Job sheet

Growth manager: job, tasks and salary

Roles and tasks of the Growth Manager

The Growth Manager is the key to your company's growth. As a marketing specialist, this professional is capable of implementing and managing marketing strategies to accelerate the pace of your company's growth. Here is a list of the main duties and tasks of a Growth Manager:

  • Identify and analyse growth opportunities. The Growth Manager analyses market data and trends to determine areas for improvement and opportunities to be seized.
  • Developing growth strategies. They devise and implement innovative strategies to boost your company's growth.
  • Managing the growth budget. They are responsible for allocating the financial and human resources needed to achieve growth objectives.
  • Developing and implementing action plans. He/she draws up short- and long-term action plans to achieve growth objectives.
  • Monitor performance and results. He/she ensures that results are measured and analysed in order to determine areas for improvement and the strategy to be followed.
  • Managing the promotion and loyalty system. He designs promotion and loyalty plans to increase the number of customers and their commitment.
  • Developing partnerships and collaborations. They establish and manage strategic partnerships and collaborations to increase your company's visibility and brand awareness.
  • Analysing the impact of campaigns on results. They evaluate and analyse the impact of growth campaigns and determine what action needs to be taken.

The Growth Manager plays an essential role in your company's growth. They are capable of implementing innovative strategies to achieve your objectives and guarantee the long-term success of your business.

Salary and career development of a Growth Manager

The salary of a Growth Manager is very varied. In general, it is closely linked to the individual's experience and skills. Here is a list of gross annual salaries in France for Growth Managers, broken down by years of experience:

  • 0 to 2 years: between 28,500 and 33,500 euros per year
  • 2 to 5 years: between €33,500 and €44,000 a year
  • 5 to 10 years: between 44,000 and 54,000 euros per year
  • 10 to 15 years: between €54,000 and €63,500 a year
  • Over 15 years: between 63,500 and 72,500 euros per year

Here are some possible career development opportunities for a Growth Manager:

  • Digital Marketing Director
  • Marketing strategy manager
  • Growth Director
  • digital marketing consultant
  • Business development manager.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Growth Manager job


Opportunity to develop professionally and acquire new skills.

Work both independently and as part of a team to achieve ambitious goals.

Use modern technologies and the most advanced growth methods.

Work in a dynamic and exciting environment.

Work directly with customers and partners to help their businesses thrive.


The pressure to find new ways of stimulating growth.

The need to constantly adapt to new technologies and methods of growth.

The pressure and uncertainty of targets and results.

The possibility of intense working hours.

Constant vigilance to stay at the forefront of growth strategies and technologies.

The latest job offers for growth manager recruiter