Job sheet

marketing group manager: job, tasks and salary

Roles and tasks of the marketing group manager

A marketing group manager plays an essential role in the development and implementation of an effective marketing strategy. He or she is responsible for overseeing marketing activities, ensuring that objectives are met and that projects are properly executed. Their main role is to develop effective marketing strategies and ensure that marketing plans are properly implemented. They will identify and analyse customer needs, and then develop plans and initiatives to meet those needs. They are also responsible for coordinating and implementing marketing campaigns and managing the associated budgets. The Marketing Group Leader must work closely with other members of the marketing team and other related departments, as well as with external suppliers. He or she is responsible for coordinating and supervising the tasks and activities of team members and ensuring that plans and objectives are met and achieved on time. The Marketing Group Manager must also ensure that marketing activities are properly measured and analysed, and that the results are shared with the rest of the organisation. The roles and tasks of a marketing group leader can be summarised as follows:

  • Developing and implementing marketing plans and strategies
  • Analysing customer needs and developing plans to meet them
  • Management of marketing campaigns and associated budgets
  • Coordinating and supervising the tasks and activities of marketing team members
  • Measuring and analysing results and sharing results with the rest of the organisation

Salary and career development for marketing group managers

The salary of a marketing group manager is very important for business growth. In France, gross annual salary can vary according to years of experience:

  • 0 to 2 years: between €34,000 and €47,000
  • 2 to 5 years: between €45,000 and €55,000
  • 5 to 10 years: between €57,000 and €71,000
  • 10 to 15 years: between €72,000 and €87,000
  • More than 15 years: between €88,000 and €115,000

A marketing group manager can progress to a number of well-paid positions:

  • Marketing Director
  • Communications Director
  • Sales Director
  • Production Director
  • Commercial strategy director

Advantages and disadvantages of the job of marketing group manager


Opportunity to create and promote unique products to meet consumer needs.

Work with diverse and talented marketing people.

Ability to focus marketing initiatives on achievable long-term goals.

Use cutting-edge tools and technologies to achieve marketing objectives.

Opportunities to develop your career and progress in marketing.


High level of responsibility and continuous pressure to achieve results in the short and long term.

Tight deadlines and ambitious targets for marketing objectives.

Intense interaction with suppliers, customers and staff.

Constant need to adapt to technological changes and market trends.

The need to maintain positive relationships with different groups of people.

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