Job sheet

sponsorship director: job, missions and salary

Roles and missions of the sponsorship director

The roles and missions of a sponsorship director are many and varied, but all are essential to the success and growth of an organisation. Their main role is to establish strategic partnerships and manage relations with donors and beneficiaries. The main duties of a sponsorship director are to

  • Drawing up a strategic sponsorship plan. This involves identifying long-term objectives and examining short-term options that will help the organisation achieve these objectives.
  • Manage donor relations. This involves establishing links with donors and maintaining active and effective communication with them.
  • Researching and identifying sponsorship opportunities. This involves identifying scope partners and developing sponsorship proposals.
  • Establish relationships with scope beneficiaries. This involves finding beneficiaries, assessing their needs and working with them to develop sponsorship projects.
  • Overseeing sponsorship programmes. This involves monitoring the progress and effectiveness of sponsorship programmes.
  • Manage social media. This involves implementing a social media strategy and managing the organisation's various accounts.
  • Establishing and maintaining a network. This involves developing a network of individuals and organisations in order to promote philanthropy and find opportunities for collaboration.

To sum up, the roles and tasks of a sponsorship director are varied and demanding, but can be extremely rewarding and fulfilling. They are essential to the success and growth of your organisation.

Salary and career development of a sponsorship director

The salary of a sponsorship director is determined by years of experience and the responsibilities he/she carries. Here is a list of gross annual salary progression in France by years of experience for a sponsorship director:

  • 0 to 2 years: between €30 and €40k;
  • 2 to 5 years: between €40K and €60K;
  • 5 to 10 years: between €60 and €80K;
  • 10 to 15 years: between €80 and €90K;
  • Over 15 years: €90K and more.

A sponsorship director who wishes to develop his/her career can opt for one of these 5 professions:

  • Sponsorship manager ;
  • General manager ;
  • Director of Public Relations
  • Finance Director;
  • Sponsorship consultant.

These positions all offer prospects for advancement and better pay, as well as the opportunity to develop new skills and knowledge.

Advantages and disadvantages of the job of sponsorship director


You work with people involved in wider causes and have the opportunity to help improve the world and the society in which we live.

You have the opportunity to travel to do research and raise awareness on subjects related to your job.

You have the opportunity to use your creativity to find innovative ways of generating funds and support.

You have the opportunity to develop relationships with donors and beneficiaries from different backgrounds.

You get the personal satisfaction of contributing to important causes.


The work is often very demanding and requires overtime.

The pay can be very low compared to other similar jobs.

It can be difficult to convince donors or sponsors to get involved in a project.

You must be prepared to work under pressure and to meet tight deadlines.

You must be prepared to take risks and accept sudden changes in the work plan.

The latest job offers for sponsorship director recruiter