Job sheet

Marketing director: job, missions and salary

Roles and missions of the Marketing Director

The marketing director is a key professional in a company. Their main task is to develop and promote a brand, product or service in order to stimulate market demand and maximise sales. They are also responsible for building and maintaining a positive image for the company and its products or services. The main responsibilities and tasks of a marketing manager include :

  • Defining a marketing strategy that meets the company's objectives.
  • Creating and managing a marketing budget to develop the company's promotional and communication campaigns.
  • Drawing up plans to promote the company's products and services.
  • Developing innovative and creative methods of communicating with consumers and stimulating their interest.
  • Ensuring that the company adapts to new technological and marketing trends.
  • Monitoring and analysing the results of marketing campaigns and advertising activities.
  • Managing the promotion of products and services and negotiating with marketing and advertising agencies.
  • Promoting the company and its products or services at conferences and other public events.
  • Establishing and maintaining good relations with the media, advertising agencies, major distributors and customers.
  • Gathering and analysing information about customers and competitors in order to develop more effective strategies.

The Marketing Director will also work closely with other company managers to coordinate marketing and communication efforts in order to achieve the company's objectives.

Salary and career development of marketing directors

The salaries of marketing directors vary widely, depending on their experience and sector of activity. In general, marketing directors in France can expect a gross annual salary in the region of €50,000 to €80,000. Marketing directors may also be eligible for benefits such as bonuses, profit-sharing or stock options. Here is a list of gross annual salaries for marketing directors in France, depending on experience:

  • 0 to 2 years: €50,000 to €65,000
  • 2 to 5 years: €65,000 to €75,000
  • 5 to 10 years: €75,000 to €78,000
  • 10 to 15 years: €78,000 to €85,000
  • More than 15 years: €85,000 to €120,000

In terms of career development, marketing directors may consider the following professions:

  • Communications Director
  • Operations Director
  • Managing director
  • Finance Director
  • Director of Human Resources

Advantages and disadvantages of the job of Marketing Director


Good recognition and remuneration.

Control and influence over marketing direction and overall strategy.

Opportunities to travel and meet customers, partners and suppliers.

Wide variety of tasks and high levels of responsibility.

Opportunity to use technological tools and analytical methods to improve performance.


Long working hours and intense pressure of responsibility.

The challenge of keeping up to date with social media and consumer trends.

Working under pressure and the need to meet demands and deadlines imposed by senior management.

Strong competition and the need to maintain a brand image.

Possibility of being held personally responsible for mistakes or bad decisions.

The latest job offers for marketing director recruiters