Roles and missions of the community manager

The role and missions of a community manager are very varied and complex. Indeed, this professional is responsible for managing and developing communities on social media, forums or discussion groups. The main responsibilities and missions of a community manager are:

  • Animate the content of social media and discussion forums of its community: creation of posts, launch of polls, relay of announcements and notifications, answering comments and questions from users, etc.
  • Develop communication and marketing strategies to promote the image and visibility of the community to identified targets.
  • Manage public relations with journalists and bloggers.
  • Establish links with companies and partners likely to participate in partnership projects.
  • Interact with users, respond to their questions and requests.
  • Ensure compliance with the general conditions of use of social media.
  • Participate in events and webinars.
  • Analyze the traffic and results of activities carried out via social media and define areas for improvement.
  • Follow and analyze news and the sector of activity related to the community.
  • Develop various content and communication media for the community (images, videos, infographics, etc.).

A community manager is the guarantor of the presence and activity of his community on social media, and he must ensure a good strategy and optimal management of the networks. Whether it's content, PR or analytics, a community manager needs to be both creative and responsive.

Community manager salary and career development

The salary of a community manager can vary widely depending on years of experience and industry. Here is an overview of the average annual gross salaries for the different years of experience in France:

  • 0 to 2 years: between €27,000 and €30,000
  • 2 to 5 years: between €30,000 and €36,000
  • 5 to 10 years: between €36,000 and €46,000
  • 10 to 15 years: between €46,000 and €55,000
  • Over 15 years: €55,000 and over

In terms of career development prospects, there are many possibilities for a community manager. Here are 5 possible jobs:

  • Communication director
  • digital project manager
  • Digital strategy consultant
  • Public Relations Director
  • digital product manager

Advantages and disadvantages of the profession of community manager


Opportunities for growth and high responsibility: As a community manager, you have the chance to develop your career and take on greater responsibilities.

Creative interactions with a variety of people: Community leaders have the chance to work with people from different backgrounds and enjoy the resulting dynamics and innovation.

Communication skills: Community leaders should be good communicators and should be able to communicate with people from different cultures.

Use of social media: Community managers must be comfortable with technology and digital marketing.

Travel Opportunities: Community leaders may have the opportunity to travel abroad to attend conferences and seminars.


Flexible work schedule: The work of community managers can be very flexible, which can involve overtime and weekends.

Stress: Managing a community can be very stressful and it is important to know how to manage stress.

Constant changes: Social media and communication technologies are constantly evolving, which means that community managers must be comfortable with new technologies.

High responsibility: Community managers are often responsible for managing brand-consumer relationships.

Lack of recognition: Community managers may not be recognized for their work and the effort they put into supporting a brand.

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