Job sheet

SEA project manager: job, tasks and salary

Roles and missions of the SEA Project Manager

The SEA Project Manager is a digital media professional specialising in online marketing and advertising campaigns. They oversee all aspects of online advertising campaigns, including keyword research, performance monitoring and strategy implementation. The SEA Project Manager plays a central role in the success of online advertising campaigns and must therefore have a good knowledge of online marketing tools and methodologies. The main responsibilities and tasks of the SEA Project Manager are as follows:

  • Analysing the market and determining the best strategies for online advertising campaigns;
  • Use analytical tools to develop strategies and action plans for online advertising campaigns;
  • Collect and analyse campaign data to determine performance and optimisation;
  • Monitor campaign performance and control the quality of ads and keywords;
  • Identify and correct technical problems with advertising campaigns;
  • Develop and implement marketing and advertising strategies for advertising campaigns;
  • Create and maintain relationships with clients for their advertising campaigns;
  • Participate in project team meetings and provide reports on the performance and results of advertising campaigns.

The SEA Project Manager must be able to work effectively in a dynamic and constantly changing environment. They must also have a good understanding of online marketing technologies and tools, and have excellent analytical and reporting skills. Finally, the SEA Project Manager must be able to adapt to changes in the market and react quickly to the needs of clients and their advertising campaigns.

SEA Project Manager salary and career development

The salary of a SEA project manager varies greatly depending on the company and the level of experience. In France, here is an indicative range of gross annual salaries according to the number of years' experience in these professions:

  • 0 to 2 years: between €44,500 and €55,000
  • 2 to 5 years: between €53,500 and €65,600
  • 5 to 10 years: between €66,000 and €81,500
  • 10 to 15 years: between €81,000 and €97,500
  • Over 15 years: between €97,500 and €108,000

A SEA project manager can move on to other careers depending on his or her skills and aptitudes. Here are a few examples of possible careers:

  • SEA Project Director
  • Digital communications manager
  • SEO/SEA consultant
  • Digital marketing analyst
  • Digital product manager

Advantages and disadvantages of the job of SEA Project Manager


Very good salary and prospects for advancement to positions of greater responsibility.

Opportunity to work remotely and manage several projects simultaneously.

Constant learning about new technologies and the most up-to-date marketing tools.

Collaborative and rewarding work with marketing professionals and team members.

Opportunity to take part in a wide variety of projects.


Intense and often stressful work managing several projects at once.

Need to keep abreast of trends and new technologies and tools.

Difficulty in achieving objectives if the team is not up to date with the latest developments.

Need for analytical and creative skills to optimise campaigns.

Fierce competition to obtain sufficient budgets and resources to complete the project.

The latest job offers from SEA project manager recruiter