Job sheet

Journalist: profession, assignments and salary

The Journalist's roles and missions

The role and missions of the Journalist are many and varied. First and foremost, the Journalist is responsible for producing interesting and informative content. They must ensure that the articles they write are up-to-date and relevant. He or she must research the subjects covered and ensure that they are well researched and appropriately presented. They are also responsible for finding reliable sources and verifying the accuracy of information. In addition, the Journalist must be able to write articles for various platforms, such as magazines, newspapers, websites or blogs. Journalists are also entrusted with other tasks. They may have to conduct interviews, report news, organize debates, write reviews and gather information in the field. They must also monitor trends and new discussions on social networks and analyze their impact. Finally, the Journalist is responsible for mastering communication techniques to promote his or her reports and articles. Here's a list of the Journalist's main roles and missions:

Producing interesting and informative content;

Research and verify information;

Writing articles for various platforms;

Interviewing, reporting, debating, critiquing and collecting data;

Monitoring trends and discussions on social networks;

Communication and promotion of articles.

Salary and career development

A Journalist's salary is highly variable and depends on a number of factors, such as experience, location and specialization. The average gross annual salary of a Journalist in France can vary according to the person's years of experience. Here's a list of gross annual salary trends in France by years of experience for a Journalist:

0 to 2 years: around €25,000 to €35,000 gross per year

2 to 5 years: approx. 30,000 to 45,000 euros gross per year

5 to 10 years: approx. 40,000 to 60,000 euros gross per year

10 to 15 years: approx. 55,000 to 75,000 euros gross annually

Over 15 years: approx. 70,000 to 90,000 euros gross per annum

Career prospects for journalists are many and varied. For example


Publishing Director

Communications Director

Web content manager

Community Manager

Advantages and disadvantages of being a journalist


An attractive salary

The chance to travel

An opportunity to learn and inform yourself on various subjects

The chance to meet celebrities and interesting people

A variety of career opportunities


Unconventional working hours

Working in difficult conditions

Tight deadlines

Attention to detail required

Constant pressure to deliver results

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