Job sheet

Cyber-journalist: job, assignments and salary

Roles and missions of the Cyber-journalist

A cyber-journalist is someone who combines traditional journalistic skills with technology to create and distribute digital content. A cyber-journalist possesses a specific set of skills, and his or her roles and missions are manifold:

Creating and editing digital content: a Cyber-journalist is responsible for creating and editing digital content, such as articles, videos and podcasts, for digital platforms.

Tracking trends and information: a Cyber-journalist must be able to track trends and information concerning his or her field, and relay them to Internet users.

Promoting and disseminating information: Cyber-journalists need to be able to promote and disseminate their content through various digital media, such as websites and social networks.

Exploiting data: Cyber-journalists must be able to analyze available data and integrate it into their content.

Creating links with readers: an e-journalist must be able to create links with readers by building a community around his or her content.

Use of digital tools: Cyber-journalists must master the various digital tools and techniques used to produce and distribute content, such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Managing web projects: a Cyber-journalist must be able to manage web projects, design websites and use CMS, such as WordPress.

In short, a Cyber-journalist is someone who combines traditional journalistic skills with technology to create and distribute digital content. He or she is responsible for creating and editing digital content, monitoring trends and analyzing available data, and using digital tools to produce and diff

Cyber-journalist salary and career development

Cyber-journalists are a fast-growing and increasingly popular profession. Salaries can vary and depend on many factors, but on average, a Cyber-journalist can earn between 24,000 and 36,000 euros a year. Here's a list of gross annual salaries for a Cyber-journalist according to years of experience:

0 to 2 years: 24,000 - 28,000 euros

2 to 5 years: 28,000 - 32,000 euros

5 to 10 years: 32,000 - 36,000 euros

10 to 15 years: 36,000 - 40,000 euros

Over 15 years: 40,000 euros and more

Cyber-journalists can also benefit from a wide range of career development opportunities. The following positions are the most sought-after in this field:

Web editor


Chief Editor

Community Manager

Social Media Analyst

Advantages and disadvantages of Cyber-journalism


Flexibility - E-journalists can work from home and manage their own schedules.

Freelance work - Digital journalists can work on a freelance basis, allowing them to earn more money and have more freedom.

Writing for a variety of media - Digital journalists can write for a variety of media, increasing their network and reach.

Continuous learning - e-journalists are constantly encouraged to keep abreast of current trends and events.

Creativity - Cyber-journalists are encouraged to be creative and to think of new ways of approaching the subjects they cover.


No union protection - Cyber-journalists don't have access to the same protections as regular journalists.

Competition - Cyber-journalists compete with other digital journalists for work and job offers.

Work intensity - Cyber-journalists sometimes have to work long hours to write articles and blog posts.

Billing errors - Cyber-journalists can sometimes end up with billing errors and unpaid arrears.

Hard work - Cyber-journalists are constantly under criticism and pressure to produce quality content.

The latest job offers for Cyber-journalist recruiter