Job sheet

Customer service manager: job description, duties and salary

Roles and tasks of the Customer Service Officer

Customer Service Officers are the link between a company and its customers. Their main responsibilities are to ensure customer satisfaction, manage complaints and resolve problems. The main tasks and duties of a Customer Service Officer are as follows:

Maintaining personalised relations with customers and assisting them with their enquiries;

Respond to customer enquiries by telephone, email and post;

Analysing and resolving problems quickly and efficiently;

Managing complaints and finding satisfactory solutions for customers;

Evaluate customer opinions and gather suggestions;

Develop strategies to improve customer satisfaction;

Produce reports on the use of services and product performance;

Follow up requests and problems and ensure that they are resolved on time;

Work closely with other company departments;

Keep customer and order data up to date;

Providing information on the products and services offered.

The Customer Service Manager must also ensure that customers are satisfied with the quality of the services and products provided and maintain a high level of customer satisfaction.

Salary and career development of a customer service representative

The salary of a customer service manager varies according to experience and the geographical location of the job. In France, the gross annual salary varies according to years of experience:

0 to 2 years: between €18,000 and €28,000

2 to 5 years: between €28,000 and €35,000

5 to 10 years: between €35,000 and €45,000

10 to 15 years: between €45,000 and €60,000

More than 15 years: between €60,000 and €90,000

In addition to salary, a customer service manager may be entitled to various benefits such as bonuses, supplementary pensions or holiday. If you're looking to develop your career as a customer service manager, you could consider the following professions:

Head of customer service

Customer relations manager

Service quality manager

Customer service supervisor

Customer satisfaction manager

Advantages and disadvantages of Customer Service Officer


Possibility of working from home.

Good opportunities to learn and develop skills.

Good salary and additional benefits for overtime.

Good working atmosphere through a wide variety of interactions with diverse customers.

Good opportunity to develop communication and conflict resolution skills.


Can be exhausting dealing with disputes and customer requests.

Hours can be irregular and weekends and overtime may be required.

Customers can be difficult to please and manage.

Requires a great deal of documentation and follow-up of files.

Risk of burn-out due to excessive customer demands.

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