Transparent remuneration and salary grids: fact or fiction ?
Were you unable to attend the February 7 webinar on the transposition of salary compensation? Here's the report !

Were you unable to attend the February 7 webinar on the transposition of salary compensation? Here's the report !
How do you recruit Gen Z? Sociologist Elizabeth Soulié gives you her advice.
It's hard to recruit interns! Anne-Cécile shares her little secrets with you, to make sure you don't fail!
The €100,000 question: how do I make sure I'm hiring the right person? We don't have a magic formula, but rather a good dose of ingredients to guide you in your recruitment.
A successful recruitment requires a well-designed application analysis grid. It's a good thing, we give you some models and advices in this article.
The recruitment interview is a key moment in the recruitment process. It is important to prepare well and to take notes in order to be able to decide between the different candidates.
8 out of 10 French people are in favor of salary transparency. To meet the expectations of candidates, it is important to build a salary grid for your organization.
Social responsibility also means rethinking the rules of governance. At makesense, we have been experimenting with the Opale model, inspired by the work of Frédérique Laloux.
You've posted your ad and the good news is that you have plenty of candidates! But how do you select them? We give you some useful tools to make the right choice.
We often think that recruitment stops at the signing of the promise to hire. This is not true: everything also depends on the onboarding of your new recruit.