Recruiter Guide

How to recruit well?

"The employment contract is signed, we've recruited our rare gem!" 

That's what we want to hear you say with a satisfied tone and a smile on your face! Because a recruitment is an investment in time and money for you and your organization, you might as well put all the chances on your side. As many recruiters post their offers on jobs_that_makesense, we've set out to explore the main stages of recruitment, to accompany you, guide you, and give you the tools to recruit well and, we hope, achieve your objectives.

For us, there are 6 key steps:

1# Recruiting well means recruiting on time

Follow the recruitment periods 

In the job market, some periods are more favourable than others to recruit people and find the right candidate, especially when it comes to interns and alternating students. The more you anticipate your recruitments to fit these periods, the more chances you will have to attract the best. 

Here are the periods for apprenticeship recruitment for example:

Publish the offer at the right time

Searching for candidates takes time. To maximize your chances of recruiting the best talents, our recommendation is to publish the offer 4 months before the desired position is to be taken up, and therefore to start thinking internally 4.5 months beforehand.

Advertise to the largest impact community

Reach over 150,000 motivated candidates who want to give meaning to their professional lives. Post up to 3 ads simultaneously for free.

2# Define your needs

It's time to get together!

Are you responsible for recruitment? Involve a manager, employees, or even the director to clarify the recruitment objective and target the most interesting candidates for the opening of a position. 

Some questions to ask yourself 

Who do you want to see apply for a job with you? What technical skills, soft skills and interpersonal skills are required? What is the expected training? To be in line with the company's values, what characteristics should your new employee possess? What are the hiring conditions and salary for this position?

Create a scorecard

The answers to these questions will help you to formulate criteria for selecting candidates, which you will be able to integrate into the scorecard: the evaluation grid for candidates. It is one of the key tools in recruitment that will accompany you until your final decision.

👉  Learn more about the scorecard

3# Create the job offer

Once you have listed your criteria for the profile you are looking for, it will be easier to build your job description and therefore your job offer.

The job description sets the position's missions. Internal support for your future employees throughout their career with you. Externally, communicating in a job offer, it allows candidates to have useful information about the position to be filled.

-> The job offer is what you will broadcast on your website, your social networks or recruitment platforms to attract talented job seekers. There are specific platforms depending on the type of profiles you want to attract! At jobs_that_makesense, being specialized in social and environmental impact jobs, our candidate pool is made of profiles sharing these interests.

To inspire you, here are 2 articles to guide you on how to create your job offers:

👉 4 job offers examples

👉 13 tips to write a job offer

4# Sélectionner les candidatures

Via sourcing and first CV sorting

With your scorecard, you will be able to use your criteria to carry out sourcing (search for candidates) and retain the most interesting profiles among the applications received (responses to job offers and unsolicited applications).

🔧 Using an ATS 

ATS (applicant tracking system) is a recruitment tool, which allows you to track and manage each step of candidate selection. At jobs_that_makesense, we have created one for recruiters, very easy to use, which does not require any training ;)

💬 Respond to ALL applicants.

Even for rejections, it's important to respond to everyone. Sure, it's time consuming, but tell yourself that a bad candidate.e experience can reflect on your employer brand. Moreover, with the help of ATS, you can send grouped and personalized emails thanks to variables (last name, first name...) to be efficient on this phase of recruitment.

👉 Learn more about 6 tools to select candidates

💪Try not to discourage anyone 

To select candidates, you will surely reject profiles or end recruitment processes. At the time of a refusal, remain sympathetic, because the quality of candidates is defined on your subjective criteria, Do not be afraid to say the +, the - and the reasons why you do not want to continue the process, to allow candidates to continue its research in the best conditions.

👉 Don't know how to get started? See examples of rejection emails.

5# Conducting job interviews

Step by step 

Mobilization of teams, choice of interview location, preparation of documents... The recruitment process must be managed upstream to conduct interviews properly. During the interview, your scorecard is used as a guideline to evaluate the candidate by starting from each criterion of your recruitment needs. It is also used to share information with all the people who will meet the candidate and to review together your final decision. There are so many things to say that we could not summarize all the steps of the job interview in a few sentences!

To learn more, here is our resource on the subject 👉 How to conduct job interviews ?

Choose the right number of interviews

HR interviews, job interviews, culture fit, reference interviews... There are no rules about the number of interviews you can conduct and the number of candidates you can meet. It depends on your work environment, your culture and the position to be filled!

You can dig deeper into the subject with this article: 👉 How many job interviews ?

6# Sign the contract and conduct the onboarding

🤝The promise to hire

The future employee can ask you to sign a promise to hire! Indeed, it is particularly useful when the job is not immediate and when the new recruit is still working for his employer.

👉See some examples of hiring promise

🍾 Recruited candidate 

You've made it, the interviews are over, congratulations! However, do not claim victory immediately, because there are still some formalities to be settled, to recruit a collaborator, such as the signature of the employment contract to make it official. You can organize a meeting a few days before taking up the position, do it remotely with an electronic signature system or wait until the position is taken up. Be careful, after hiring, the deadline for signing the contract is often 2 working days!

⛵ Onboarding

When a candidate joins your organization, it's not the finish line for you yet! Almost there ;) The onboarding of a candidate must be organized with the managers and the rest of the team so that he/she feels integrated, that he/she has all the necessary tools to start on his/her position and to take in hand his/her missions. You can also write an in-house an onboarding plan which can be reviewed after each new onboarding. Depending on the position and the profile of the recruited candidate, onboarding can last several days or several weeks. A successful recruitment is measured at the end of this last process, which is an important step in retaining your new talent. Indeed, it closes the recruitment experience and has an impact on your employer brand !

👉 We break down everything you need to know about onboarding:  HERE

To go further 

👉 How to build a salary grid?

👉 What salary for work-study students?

👉 What is the employer brand? What is it for?

👉 And dig into all the topics related to recruitment issues with the recruiter's guide

To take action

👉 Create a recruiter space and post free ads on jobs_that_makesense

👉 Already registered? Go to my recruiter space