Professional retraining guide

Do you have the quest for meaning that tickles you, but you don't know where to start to embark on your professional retraining? We offer you content adapted to each situation to help you see things more clearly.

5 keys to a successful career change in CSR

Transitioning to the CSR field requires a somewhat strategic approach. Here are the 5 keys to a successful transition!

Creating the ideal framework for thinking about career change

Ready to reinvent your career? Discover the secrets of a successful career change with Nadège Gomila from Bloomencia.

5 tips for meeting committed people (and making a success of your professional transition)

Talking to people who share the same causes is key, but how do you go about it? Discover the communities to join

5 possible ways to align your work with your values

Are you looking to give meaning to your job? Charlotte Lischer, from Social Declik, explores 5 ways to achieve this.

Leaving... without quitting

Your decision is made: you can't continue in your current job. Are you ready to put your application in? Not so fast, François Roche, from MyWay Out, has a better idea for you.

How much does a skills assessment cost?

Do you want to know more about the cost of a skills assessment? In this article, we show you the prices of each of our partner assessments, all eligible for funding !

How to do a skills assessment ?

You know what a skills assessment is, and you would like to do one? To go through a training organization, to do it yourself, to have it financed.... here is what you need to know.

Doing your own skills assessment

Would you like to do a skills assessment on your own? Here are the methods and tools to do one yourself !

How to finance a skills assessment ?

You want to do a skills assessment and the price is holding you back? Don't panic, there are many ways to finance it according to your situation. We detail them here.

I don't want to go back to work, what should I do?

Is work hard for you right now ? Are you tired ? You don't want to go back to work ? There are several solutions to get you out of there.