Skill Hacks
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Better communication for better engagement.

To get on board, whether you are a project manager, a consultant or a transition manager, a strong lever for action is to master public speaking !

"Working effectively in a group setting can be learned!"

We all know that meeting or that project that doesn't lead to anything because of bad communication or lack of support from the management... It is through collective intelligence methods that Worklab brings solutions for more impact in organizations !

What are the professional alternatives when you want to leave everything for the countryside? 

Ah, the call of the countryside, the wide open spaces, the birds, ... Is it a real life project or a passing fancy? To find out, discover the advice of Perrine LHote, from the organization Hisse & Haut

Facilitating collective intelligence in organizations.

Alone we go faster, together we go further! This is the motto of Charles, co-founder of a training organization in collective intelligence. Discover these tools that awaken individual potential and facilitate cooperation.

The circular economy to transform economic practices.

Extract, manufacture, throw away... What if this process was coming to an end? The circular economy, which consists in rethinking the life cycle of products, reusing and reemploying is in any case one of the objectives of the SDGs! What are these issues? How to train for them? We tell you about it here.

Eco-design to reduce the environmental impact of the cultural sector

You love festivals. So much so that you would like to make a living out of it. But is it compatible with your ecological commitments? Alexia Lechevestrier, from MakeIci, gives you THE solution.

Managing the energy transition, a mission to be met through a diversity of professions.

To get out of polluting energy sources, like oil, coal and gas, renewable energies are the future! To manage this energy transition, certain skills are necessary.

Training in facilitation to transform organizations from within

Changing paradigms within organizations to lead the ecological and social transition requires key skills. Facilitation is one of them! We explain this skill in detail and the existing trainings to develop it.

Understand the life of an ecovillage through immersion !

If you want to learn about democratic education, community living and communication in a group that interacts in shared governance, then come to Pourgues, for an internship or an immersive vacation with 30 ecovillagers !

How to write a student resume from A to Z ?

In your job search, sooner or later you will have to send your resume and cover letter to apply! You don't know where to start? In this article, we talk about the resume and we detail step by step how to create a personalized one.