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Welcoming exiled people to my company: why and how?

Noémie Paté shares concrete advice on how to welcome and integrate migrants into the workplace.

6 training courses in building energy renovation

Would you like to contribute to the ecological transition of housing? Here is our selection of training programs

Guide to implementing the 4-day week

Thinking about the 4-day week? Here's the summary of our latest webinar!

Paumé-e-s - 6 reasons why employees take a skills assessment

Why do so many people take skills assessments? Here are 6 reasons, explained by two experts in the field.

MBTI - A tool for better understanding yourself in the workplace

3 tips for using the MBTI assessment tool in the workplace

4-day week - Laurent de la Clergerie's advice on how to implement it

Questioning the 4-day week? Here's the inspiring story of a manager who dared !

L’institut de Tramayes, un tiers-lieu en construction - Témoignage du Maire de Tramayes

A tous les Paumé.e.s, un centre formation supérieur en milieu rural a ouvert ses portes cette année ! Découvrez le projet !

Transparent remuneration and salary grids: fact or fiction ?

Were you unable to attend the February 7 webinar on the transposition of salary compensation? Here's the report !

Generation Z - How to enter the world of work and feel good about it ?

Sociologist Elizabeth Soulié's advice on how to feel good at work.

HR - Recruiters' guide to gen Z

How do you recruit Gen Z? Sociologist Elizabeth Soulié gives you her advice.