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Arthur Gosset - A breakthrough engineer

We met Arthur Gosset at the Séisme pour l'emploi impact forum. A former engineer, he tells us about his inspiring career!

The low-tech approach: a professional way forward?

We asked 3 low-tech professionals to give us their views on their jobs and the opportunities in this sector!

How do you find a job that makes sense ?

92% of working people want to have a meaningful job. Do you? Here are a few tips to help you find a job that makes sense for you !

Lucas Mirgalet - ingé d'avenir "It's possible to combine meaning and salary."

An engineer in energy renovation !

Martin - Low-tech association manager and part-time employee

A dissonance engineer, Martin turned to low-tech for greater coherence.

Marie, future engineer - "I wanted to mix hard sciences and social sciences."

To be an engineer of the future, you need a specific orientation during your studies. Marie tells us all about it!

Ingénieurs : mieux que la bifurcation, le choix !

On parle beaucoup de bifurcation ou de désertion des ingénieurs. Mais d'autres choix sont possibles. C'est ce qu'explore Laurent Polet, de Primaveras, dans cet article

Florent Haffner, ingé d'avenir - "Human, engineer, anthropocene."

Florent, ingé d'avenir, has left his #engineer #solutionist #optimist hat, to become... human again !

Arthur Auboeuf, decarbonizing society without forgetting to be happy

"Work is the number 1 lever for transforming the world" - Arthur Auboeuf

Decarbonizing buildings: "300,000 people need to be trained in energy renovation by 2030".

Anthony Grassi, from La Solive, talks about the challenges facing the construction industry.