How to do a professional retraining when you are on a permanent contract?
Like a desire to take a real turn in your career and change paths to discover a new job that motivates you? Yes, but you are afraid of jeopardizing your CDI for an unknown professional adventure. Don't panic, jobs_that_makesense is here to answer all your questions about professional retraining when you are on a permanent contract.
Why consider a professional retraining when you have a permanent contract?
Thinking about a professional reorientation while enjoying all the advantages of a permanent contract, but for what? This is typically what our loved ones could tell us.
Indeed, the Permanent Contract is currently the ultimate in terms of employment contract. It is considered a stable job providing regular income, good social protection, trust from financial organizations and institutions and much more!
However, despite these undeniable strengths, it is not always livable to keep a job that no longer suits us, simply to stay away from risk.
More and more French people are choosing to retrain during their career in order to give more meaning to their professional activity. Indeed, after several years in their position, they lose interest in their work and instead want to move towards impact professions to feel more useful. If this is also your case, know that many opportunities are developing on the job market. By organizing yourself well, you can therefore dare to leave your CDI without fear of missing your professional retraining.
We invite you to discover one of our previous articles: 16 steps for a purpose-driven professional retraining

Follow a retraining course in parallel with your CDI?
When you build your professional retraining project, you will surely go through the skills assessment stage. This type of introspection and support will first help you to see more clearly in your desire to change your life. The skills assessment will then provide you with key information on existing training in the field of your choice as well as an objective view of possible opportunities.
Skills assessments  : first step for your professional retraining with jobs_that_makesense
Train on your working time
Some employees on permanent contracts have the possibility of following retraining training during their working hours. This depends in particular on the seniority, the eligibility of the training, but also on the prior agreement of their hierarchy.
If the purpose of training is professional development or internal promotion, the superior can easily give the green light. On the other hand, in the case of a training project far removed from the position occupied, the company could decide to postpone it later.
Train outside of working hours
It is possible that your company refuses your request or that the training you are interested in is not compatible with the constraints of your permanent contract. This does not affect your desire for retraining, however, because other solutions exist:
- Face-to-face evening course type training
- E-learning training or distance learning courses to follow on weekends or during free time
- Short training courses to be scheduled during holidays or thanks to your Time Savings Account (CET)
Training for the jobs of tomorrow
Do you want to retrain mid-career to find a job you really thrive in? Today, many professional activities are part of a search for meaning. A desire to pool our efforts to make the world greener, more social and fairer.
If you recognize yourself in these types of commitments, the following training opportunities might interest you:
- a design Thinking training: 2 hours of online lessons per week.
- Circulab to develop your knowledge and skills in the field of the circular economy: 4 hours of e-learning courses per week, over a total of 8 weeks.
- « Manager with sustainability », training offered by the Rennes School of Business at the rate of 6 days over a period of 3 months.
- « Solidarity Organizations Manager » training via distance and face-to-face evening classes
- Edeni, a total of 6 modules on the ecological transition to follow remotely at your own pace, then a 4-day training in Paris to validate the achievements.

Dealing with finances as a retraining employee?
One of the points that most crystallizes fears about professional retraining is the financial aspect. Is it possible to benefit from a maintenance of salary when embarking on a retraining project?
In principle yes, because aid and support have been put in place to facilitate the retraining of workers, whether they are 35, 40 or 50 years old.
Training funding
Discovering a new sector of activity, training for a new profession… This necessarily has a cost. Fortunately, in France all employees contribute each month to finance their training during their career.
The Personal Training Account (CPF) makes it possible to finance your skills assessment or your qualifying training if it is certified by the State. You can find out about your rights by logging into the site Mon compte formation.
The CPF is fed automatically when you hold a permanent position in a company. Each account is credited with €500 per year, whether you work full-time or part-time. You can accumulate the CPF up to a maximum of €5,000 (ceiling). If you have no or very few qualifications, your training account will be funded with €800 each year, until you obtain a maximum envelope of €8,000.
Namely: The DIF (Individual Right to Training) has been replaced by the CPF since January 1, 2019.
The professional transition CPF
Formerly known as Individual Training Leave (CIF), the professional transition CPF can be the ideal opportunity to find training that fits your retraining project. To do this, you must ask your employer for authorization, but you are no longer forced to choose training related to your current sector of activity.
The Pro-A device
Open to all employees with few qualifications, this system makes it possible to initiate retraining while offering job retention through work-study training. You can thus acquire theoretical bases one week and apply them in business the following week.

When and how to leave your permanent job for a new retraining job?
It is difficult to define with certainty the ideal moment to leave your CDI and follow your new professional path. It really depends on each case. While some prefer to drop their CDI upstream to devote themselves fully to their reorientation, others will wait until they have completed their training to take the plunge with caution.
Whichever option you follow, you will have two options for terminating your CDI
Ask for a contractual termination
Breaking up by agreement is a good way to leave your company on good terms. However, this requires the agreement of your employer. If he accepts, you will be able to benefit from unemployment benefits for 24 months.
It is a significant financial support in the midst of a professional retraining period. You will be able to have enough to meet your needs until you find the job of your dreams.
Submit your resignation
Your second option is to submit your resignation, but be careful not just any resignation!
Resignation for retraining, since its purpose is to lead you towards a new professional project, allows you to benefit from Pôle Emploi rights and to receive unemployment benefit. Make sure you match all the conditions.
Now that jobs_that_makesense has been able to answer your main questions about professional retraining when you are on a permanent contract, you have all the cards in hand to get started. And then, as Albert Schweitzer said, "if you love what you do, you will succeed."
For further
👉 16 steps for your professional transition
👉 There is no age to start: make a professional retraining at 35, 40, 50
👉 How to finance your vocational training
👉 How to properly organize your resignation for a professional retraining?
👉 The letter of resignation for professional retraining
👉How to explain my professional retraining ?