Make a professional retraining at 35
It is a fact, the current active generations will have to change profession several times during their career. The number of professional retrainings is constantly increasing. It is moreover envisaged or carried out by nearly one out of two workers, when 92% of us are asking questions about the meaning of our professional lives. The thirties are also a period of life particularly conducive to change. jobs_that_makesense therefore tries to provide the best possible support and advice to people who, like you, are planning a professional retraining at the age of 35.
Let's go !
Why go for a career change at 35?
Correct a route error
When you are young, it is often difficult to find your way with certainty on the first try. We do not know all the trades, all the possible paths. Result: one orients oneself in studies by chance or by default. Sometimes it will match, sometimes not.
Only, once you graduate and gain a little experience in the working world, you think the doors are closed.
Fortunately, that is not the case! Today, it is possible to take back the reins of your career by opting for a radical reorientation. That at 30, 35, 40 and even later. It is never too late to completely change paths and finally flourish professionally by finding the job of your dreams.
Fleeing a bad work environment
It's not always the job itself that we want to flee, but a bad atmosphere, deplorable management... Indeed, the quality of life at work and everything related to it can play a huge role in our development and our business motivation.
The feeling of always trying harder, of giving without ever reaping anything in return. Not being able to integrate into a team with which you do not share the same values. Spending your days achieving meaningless goals when you want to work to change the face of the world... So many reasons that can eventually lead you to the exit.
Highlight your experience and skills
It's been 10 to 15 years since you took your first steps in the world of work. You have therefore had the opportunity to develop your skills through a variety of experiences. You can therefore simply have a desire for a professional change to give new impetus to your career in terms of skills.
Professional reorientations in the thirties make it possible, among other things, to put aside the routine that has been able to settle down in recent years to take on new challenges.
In addition, for some time the world of work and society have been changing. It is quite possible that by seeking to develop your experience in a new professional field, you will be confronted with new professions, in particular in the social and solidarity economy (ESS). You may find your professional vocation there.
Find meaning in your work
Another very honorable reason: after your studies you pursued your professional project by finding a job related to your background. Only here, you do not recognize yourself particularly in this sector of activity, in this company...
You therefore aim to follow a retraining program that will lead you to career development. The job of your dreams would ideally be to be able to put your know-how at the service of causes that are dear to you. No longer simply see your missions through the prism of financial results, marketing...
Today, a large number of people in retraining are embarking on a new professional adventure to feel more useful to others and to the planet. The search for meaning at work is becoming a major challenge in the context of recruitment, and more generally in the world of employment.
New professions appear regularly and underline the dynamic of meaning: recruiter of donors, mobilizer, responsible for accelerating impact projects...
The 3 brakes you can encounter when faced with a professional retraining at 35
The fear of failure
At 5, 35 or 65 years old, fear can paralyze us and prevent us from moving forward. A career change at thirty-five can indeed be frightening in many ways.
However, if you have made it this far, then there is no reason to stop on such a good path. Do not be afraid to believe in your dreams and to want to live a professional passion. If you don't conquer your fears today to get out of your comfort zone, they could take the form of regrets in a few years.
lack of financial stability
During your thirties, you are certainly at the crossroads of 1001 projects concerning your personal life. Starting a family, buying your main residence, going on a trip, changing vehicles… The expenses are many and varied. Risking a permanent contract and a decent salary during a professional retraining can therefore make you think twice before taking the plunge.
However, who says retraining does not necessarily say low salary. Depending on your profile and your professional reorientation, you will surely not start at the bottom of the ladder. You will be able to claim a very reasonable remuneration.
And directing you to a job with a positive impact does not mean giving up your standard of living either: according to an APEC study, the pay gap for an equivalent position is 10% between a SSE company and the traditional economy.
The lack of self-confidence, the feeling of illegitimacy, the impostor syndrome... Faced with the unknown, it is possible that you are led to doubt yourself and your abilities to change your life and use. Whether you are currently in the position of job seeker or in office, keep your confidence in yourself. Your experience, your skills and your personality can be real strengths in front of employers, even if you do not realize it.
Do you tend to focus on the skills you lack? Without totally overshadowing them, focus above all on what makes you strong: your background, the knowledge you have accumulated in the first part of your career, will be so many assets that will make the difference! Many talents that you have been able to develop are cross-functional and highly appreciated, particularly in the world of impact: Project management, soft-skills, technical skills,...
The 5 steps to retraining when you are in your thirties
Defining the bases of the conversion project
Knowing that you are no longer in your place in your current position is a first step. But which sector should you go to for the rest of your professional career? To think carefully and make the right decision, you will have to put your desires, your aspirations, but also what will be prohibitive in your new job.
To be supported throughout your retraining project, you can call on specialists who will carry out a skills assessment with you. They will help you take stock and ask yourself the right questions about your change in professional life.
If you are looking for meaning and are interested in jobs related to ecological and social transition, do not hesitate to consult the skills assessments made available by jobs_that_makesense.
Receive training
Professional changes such as retraining may require going through a short vocational training phase. Thanks to your CPF (Personal Training Account), but also other existing systems, you have the possibility of having training financed in line with your future professional activity.
👉 Discover how to finance your retraining
Whether you prefer distance or face-to-face training, you can choose from a large catalog of training and certifications selected by jobs_that_makesense to support you in your professional retraining towards an impactful job.
In particular, there are 3 types of training:
- Trainings to develop your soft skills
- Generalist training to develop one's generic culture on ecological and social transition and acquire related skills
- Specific trainings focused on key transition jobs
List the strengths of his profile
You are in your mid-thirties and you necessarily have a few tricks up your sleeve to enhance your profile on the job market. It can be a degree, enriching experiences or increasingly sought-after behavioral skills. All this coupled with your drive and drive? Scouts will go out of their way to get you on their team! This step should not be neglected, it is what will make you solid in your search for a new job and will give you confidence in yourself to face your future interviews. List everything that goes through your head, from the very small achievement that may seem trivial to you at first glance to the great success you had in your previous job. Gradually, major sources of pride will emerge, and the characteristics that make you a unique profile.
Face the reality of the job
Before taking the plunge, we can advise you to join a company for a few days in order to observe and confront you with experience of the trade in real situations. This is an almost essential exercise to know if your retraining project fully meets your expectations. Some companies will be happy to welcome you for a kind of discovery internship. You can also conduct interviews, meet people who already practice this profession to find out more, etc.
Quit your job
The last step, and not the least, when you want to change jobs or change paths, is to leave your current position for good. Thanks to your work of introspection, your research and your motivation, you have all the cards in hand to flourish professionally in your future job. It is therefore time to submit your resignation or to request a contractual termination in order to pursue your new professional life.
At 35, do you feel up to starting a second career on a very different path? Thanks to our different leads, the jobs_that_makesense team hopes that you will be able to complete your professional retraining and that you will experience your working days in a new light. To fulfill yourself professionally and humanly, it's up to you to initiate your retraining phase and embark on a new career.
Take action
👉 Find a purpose-driven job
👉 Training in the professions of ecological and social transition
For further
👉16 steps for your professional transition
👉 How to finance your professionnal retraining ?
👉 How to do a professional retraining when you are on a permanent contract?
👉 How to make a professional retraining in the environment?
👉 How to ensure professional retraining without loss of salary?
👉 Build a professional retraining project that makes sense