Skills assessments to take stock of your professional life
When the desire to undertake a new professional project is felt, taking stock of your achievements, your professional career, is a first key step to go step by step towards the construction of a concrete project. Taking stock allows you to understand your strengths, motivations and interests: an important basis for aligning your professional desires with your personality. Carrying out assessments is also an opportunity to see the positive in us, the strengths that we have managed to exploit in our past experiences, while understanding what displeases us and the limits that we need to set. . Elements that allow you to move forward serenely, especially when you are in a process of reconversion in which doubts and fears can be felt. Here, we are therefore going to talk to you about the contributions of skills assessments, the solutions available to you to carry out one and introduce you to the organizations present on the jobs_that_makesense platform, which offer this type of support!
Skills assessments: what are they?
The skills assessment provides a framework and a methodology for carrying out a skills analysis. It can help you define a coherent professional project based on your skills acquired and transferable to professions or sectors of activity that attract you. And often, it gives above all a boost to move from reflection to action.
For who ?
Whatever your status, your qualifications, your age, your sector of activity or your level of responsibility, you can achieve one.
If you're lost, if you don't really know where to start to develop a professional project consistent with your personality, your needs, your expectations and priorities with regard to a job, doing a skills assessment may be a starting point to take stock of your professional experience so far.
If you already have a defined project in mind, it can allow you to facilitate your professional transition through advice and training around the enhancement of your strengths and your know-how.
Why do a skills assessment?
To understand your strengths and place yourself in certain, more pleasant conditions to undertake a change:
- Take stock of your skills and abilities acquired during your various professional experiences and mobilize them in your new project
- Learn to value your acquired experience
- Discuss your development wishes with your manager, HR, employer
Explore your professional interests
- What type of work do I like to do?
- Who do I want to work for? With who ?
- What working relationships bring me satisfaction?
- What is the professional environment that suits me?
Doing a career review can also allow you to know what you need to work on to complete the skills you lack for:
- A professional retraining: changing profession, sector of activity, company, building a project
- Develop your employability with professional development prospects.

The different skills assessments
Many organizations now offer skills assessments and offer several formats:
- Collective session with people from different professional backgrounds
- Individual course where a consultant guides you on how to make an assessment
- Mixed format allowing both to meet people who are asking the same questions as you and to benefit from support and follow-up in your retraining thanks to individual interviews.
- Sessions can be face-to-face, online or sometimes both.
To see more clearly about the programs you can follow, here is a recap of jobs_that_makesense partner skills assessments.
To guide you towards work with a positive impact
Hisse & Haut is an SSE cooperative that helps participants get to know each other better, develop their self-confidence and take the next professional and personal step in the service of a more sustainable world. The program helps you find your place in a changing world. The format alternates between group and individual sessions and can be done 100% online or face-to-face in Lyon. It takes place over 3 months and you can finance it via your CPF.
👉 more infos : here
Cap Positif
Cap Positif is the skills assessment set up by Little Big Impact for those who wish to give meaning to their work by giving it a positive impact. It helps you focus on your values, your aspirations and align them with a project that looks like you and that the world needs. The support lasts 3 months, with 8 collective sessions, 4 individual coaching sessions and individual work to be done each week at home. It can be done 100% online or face-to-face in Paris. He is eligible for the CPF.
👉 more infos : hereÂ
Komunii offers 2 support programs of 3 months for all those who wish to undertake a professional reorientation in the SSE sector (social and solidarity enterprises). A first program accompanies people wishing to find their place in the SSE and understand its codes, its professions. A second program is dedicated to people wishing to launch an impact business. The two programs alternate between group and individual sessions, with face-to-face modules in Paris and online modules. They are eligible for the CPF.
 👉 more infos : here
For a more personalized assessment
Chance has set up a 12-week 100% online skills assessment, eligible for the CPF, which includes an introspection, exploration and testing part of a professional project. The particularity of the program is the personalized support, which gradually adapts to the needs of the participant via monitoring by a professional coach.
 👉more infos : here
Primaveras offers a 6-month certifying program based on immersive pedagogy, which mixes face-to-face and remote, collective and individual, with a human-sized class of 10 people maximum. This program is for anyone who thought they had a clear path, a good job in a good company and who find themselves in search of meaning, impact and balance.
👉 more infos : here

How to finance your skills assessment?
Performing a skills assessment is part of continuing vocational training and many programs to assess your skills are eligible for the CPF (Le Compte de Formation Professionnel). This system replaces the Individual Right to Training (DIF).
💡 The programs presented just above are eligible for the CPF. All employees in the private and public sector and entrepreneurs can finance their balance sheet via the CPF.
If you are a job seeker, you can go through Pôle Emploi to make one. And if you can also ask your advisor for a contribution to your CPF.
As an employee, on a permanent or fixed-term contract, you can also request a report from your employer via the PTP, professional transition project, which replaces individual training leave. This system allows you to take stock of your working time, being paid during the training period. This option is possible under certain conditions:
- If you are on a permanent contract, you will then have to justify 5 years of employment, consecutive or not, including 12 months in your current company.
- If you are on a fixed-term contract, you will need 24 months of employment, consecutive or not, over the last 5 years, including 4 months, consecutive or not, over the last 12 months.
Finally, it is possible to make a request for support by the company via the Opco, the Skills Operator for your professional branch.
If you are a student or unemployed, the option available is self-financing, but some assessments offer solutions or preferential rates to help you finance it. Do not hesitate to contact them to find out more! :)
For further
👉16 steps for your professional transition
👉 There is no age to start: make a professional retraining at 35, 40, 50
👉 Tools for a better self-understanding : Ikigai, MBTI test
👉 How to make a professional retraining when you are on long-term-contract ?
👉Make a professional retraining with a Bac+5
Take action
👉 Find a purpose-driven job
👉 Training in the professions of ecological and social transition