Job sheet

Development manager: job, missions and salary

Roles and missions of the Development Manager

The Development Manager is a central position within a company. His/her main mission is to implement innovative commercial strategies to achieve the company's objectives. He/she must also ensure that the products and services offered are in line with the needs and expectations of customers and prospects. Here is a list of the main duties and responsibilities of a Business Development Manager:

  • Identify new markets and develop strategies to enter them.
  • Develop and implement growth and development plans and objectives.
  • Develop and maintain relationships with customers and business partners.
  • Develop pricing and distribution models.
  • Work with the sales team to identify prospects and generate leads.
  • Manage marketing and customer acquisition budget.
  • Generate and analyze marketing and sales performance reports.
  • Develop digital marketing tools and resources.
  • Develop promotional and advertising campaigns.
  • Participate in market research and competitive analysis.
  • Develop and manage partnerships for revenue optimization.
  • Monitor and evaluate overall company performance.

The Development Manager must also maintain close relationships with other departments, such as accounting, research and development, IT and customer service. He/she must be able to make strategic decisions and be results-oriented. A good knowledge of the sectors in which the company is active is essential for this position.

Salary and career development of the Development Manager

. The salary of a Development Manager depends on his/her experience and skills. In France, here is the average evolution of a Development Manager in terms of annual gross salary:

  • 0 to 2 years: between 34.000 and 41.000 euros;
  • 2 to 5 years: between 41.000 and 48.000 euros;
  • 5 to 10 years: between 48.000 and 58.000 euros;
  • 10 to 15 years: between 58,000 and 68,000 euros;
  • More than 15 years: more than 68.000 euros.

The career of a Development Manager is very dynamic and offers several possibilities. Here are 5 possible careers to evolve from a Development Manager position:

  • Director of Information Systems;
  • IT project manager;
  • Business development manager;
  • Customer relations manager;
  • Director of innovation and digital transformation.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Development Manager job

  • Wide variety of career opportunities: business development offers a variety of career opportunities, including advancement, positions of responsibility and opportunities to work in different industries.*
  • Good pay: Business development managers are well compensated, which enhances their quality of life.
  • Personal development: Personal development is very important in this profession as it allows you to constantly improve your skills and adapt to the changes and challenges of the job.
  • Rewarding experience: Working with clients and interacting with industry professionals is very rewarding and allows you to acquire many skills.
  • Great professional network: business development allows you to create a great professional network that can be very useful in finding new opportunities.
  • Stress et pression : le développement commercial peut être très stressant et exigeant, car il y a une forte pression pour atteindre les objectifs et les attentes des clients.
  • Grands déplacements : le développement commercial exige souvent de grands déplacements qui peuvent être fatigants et prendre beaucoup de temps.
  • Temps supplémentaire : le développement commercial exige parfois des heures supplémentaires pour atteindre les objectifs et satisfaire les clients.
  • Compétition : le développement commercial est très compétitif et il peut être difficile de se démarquer des autres concurrents.
  • Connaissance sectorielle : il est important d'avoir une bonne connaissance du secteur pour être un bon responsable du développement commercial.

Les dernières offres d'emploi de responsable développement