Job sheet

Sales manager: profession, missions and salary

Roles and missions of the Sales Manager / Sales Director

The role and missions of a sales manager are many and varied, and offer the opportunity for an organization to fully exploit its commercial potential. The main duties of a sales manager are as follows:

  • Lead and organize the company's sales development and strategy.
  • Ensure the development and implementation of an efficient and appropriate sales structure.
  • Focus on the development of sales and marketing activities.
  • Draw up and implement sales and marketing plans.
  • Develop strategies and objectives to increase sales and turnover.
  • Develop and maintain constructive relationships with customers and business partners.
  • Develop and implement marketing and advertising strategies and campaigns.
  • Create and maintain reporting and data management systems and processes for the sales department.
  • Develop and train staff under his/her responsibility.
  • Evaluate and improve sales processes, performance and productivity.

A Sales Manager must be able to make strategic decisions, be results-oriented, and have the initiative and leadership necessary to improve the organization's performance. They must also be able to understand and analyze financial data and market trends. Finally, they must be able to communicate successfully both inside and outside the organization.

Salary and career development of a sales manager / sales director

The salary of a sales manager is very attractive, regardless of the level of experience. Gross annual salary varies according to experience and responsibilities:

  • 0 to 2 years' experience: €55,000 - €70,000
  • 2 to 5 years' experience: €70,000 - €90,000
  • 5 to 10 years' experience: €90,000 - €120,000
  • 10 to 15 years' experience: €120,000 - €170,000
  • Over 15 years' experience: €170,000 and more

A sales manager can also consider a career move to different professions with generally higher salaries. Here are a few examples:

  • Sales director
  • Sales Strategy Director
  • Data security director
  • Director of compliance
  • Director of Commercial Partnerships and Public Relations

Advantages and disadvantages of working as a sales manager

  • High salary and benefits.
  • Exciting and competitive work environment.
  • Opportunities to travel and meet customers.
  • Opportunity to advance your career.
  • Not limited by a fixed office and schedule.
  • Large amount of time spent traveling.
  • Stress and pressure to meet business targets.
  • Possibility of hard-to-please customers.
  • Depends on the efficiency and speed of other company departments.
  • Risk of being disconnected from the rest of the company's teams.

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