Job sheet

Fundraising manager: job description, tasks and salary

Roles and missions of the Fundraising Officer

A Fundraiser is a dynamic, multi-tasking individual who plays an important role in an organisation. They help to raise funds to support the organisation and its programmes. The main roles and tasks of a fundraiser are :

  • Developing and implementing fundraising strategies to secure donations, grants and investments.
  • Develop campaign plans to improve the organisation's fundraising objectives.
  • Manage and maintain relationships with existing and potential donors.
  • Participate in meetings, conferences and events to promote the organisation and raise funds.
  • Identifying, evaluating and negotiating potential sources of funding.
  • Analysing the results of fundraising campaigns and providing reports to management.
  • Develop funding proposals and plans to support the organisation's initiatives and projects.
  • Updating and maintaining records and statistics on donors and donations.
  • Providing information and advice on structuring and monitoring donations.
  • Researching and analysing best practice in fundraising.
  • Develop relationships with companies and government bodies to facilitate fundraising.

In short, the Fundraising Officer is responsible for raising and managing the funds needed for the organisation to achieve its objectives and mission. As a result, they play a critical role in the success of the organisation.

Salary and career development of a Fundraising Officer

The salary of a fundraising manager varies according to the experience acquired and the position held. In the private sector, the gross annual salary of a fundraiser ranges from €30k to €60k, depending on seniority:

  • 0 to 2 years: between 30 and 40 K€ ;
  • 2 to 5 years: between €40k and €50k;
  • 5 to 10 years: between €50k and €60k;
  • 10 to 15 years: between €60k and €75k;
  • More than 15 years: more than €75K.

There are many career prospects for fund-raising managers. Here are a few examples:

  • Sales director ;
  • Director of partnerships ;
  • Fundraising consultant ;
  • Fund strategy director;
  • Fund Operations Director.

This position requires a high degree of rigour and skills in communication, management, finance and analysis. Career prospects are highly varied and offer promising prospects for the future.

Advantages and disadvantages of the fund-raising officer's job


You have the opportunity to contribute directly to the success of companies by providing them with the funds they need to grow.

You work with exceptional and talented people and can demonstrate your ability to negotiate lucrative investments for your organisation.

You have the flexibility to secure and leverage higher investment commitments.

You have the opportunity to develop in-depth relationships with financial partners and clients.

As a fundraiser, you are in direct contact with clients and are responsible for their satisfaction.


The costs and obligations are very high. You need to be highly organised and persistent to achieve your fund-raising objectives.

You have to adapt to a constantly changing environment and often volatile market conditions.

Success in this field depends partly on common sense and judgement, which can be difficult to manage without prior experience.

The charges are very competitive and you need to be prepared to spend a lot of time prospecting and negotiating.

Companies recruiting fundraisers are generally very demanding and you need to be prepared to give them your best.

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