Professional retraining guide

I am an executive - what are the options for my retraining?

Are you a senior executive, manager or project manager and you want to start a new professional life? According to a study conducted by Cadremploi, 83% of executives think about retraining. Are you perhaps one of those who are thinking of changing course? Whether you are still working, job seeker, private or public service executive, how can you orient yourself towards a career that will allow you to achieve professional success? Several devices exist to make your desire to change your life a reality. To start your reflection, formalize your need or concretize a specific professional project, here are some tips in this article!

The devices to start your reconversion

The skills assessment to take stock

The executive profession involves a steady pace and it is not always easy to take a break for yourself. However, if you want to undertake a retraining, you need to take a break to take stock, ask yourself the right questions and take the first steps in your transition.

Whatever your professional background, taking a skills assessment allows you to be in a favorable environment to consider a change. As part of the assessment, you identify your strengths, your achievements, you take the time to understand what makes you feel good professionally. You also explore the possibilities of retraining and think about your professional future by being boosted by a certified coach and by the collective: many assessments offering a group format. You can start a balance sheet in position, keeping your employer informed or not. And for funding? You can finance it via your company's OPCO or your CPF because most balance sheets are eligible for it.

👉 CPF official website : here 

👉To find out about the various professional assessments, their access and financing methods: see here.

👉 Discover Primaveras, the accelerated skills assessment, for executives, managers and directors



For your career change, you can also ask for a retraining professional with the CEP (Professional Development Council) outside your working hours. It is a free system set up by the Ministry of Labor, which allows you to be equipped in your professional transition. You can do an initial professional interview with your professional development advisor to define your needs. Then he.she guides you according to your needs: allows you to access personalized information, can accompany you on the writing of a cover letter and even the feasibility of your professional project. A summary document is drawn up at the end of each meeting by your advisor and is available to you in your personal space. The follow-up lasts the time you need and it is you who decides to stop it.

👉 book an appointment with APEC



The Association Pour l’Emploi des Cadres is a private French organization that offers free support for executives.

On the Apec website, you can register for group and video workshops on themes oriented “professional transitions”. You can also have access to individual support: 3 to 5 interviews led by a professional adviser to prepare your retraining and, if necessary, define your professional project.

👉 for further


Pole Emploi

If you are a job seeker, a Pôle Emploi referent can also help you change jobs. Be careful, you can be followed by your Pôle Emploi adviser and at the same time benefit from support with a CEP adviser, but the “guided” option with Pôle Emploi cannot be combined with the CEP! Find out about the options available to you when you are accompanied by these two structures.

Training to convert to impact

There are several types of professional development: changing company, changing profession or both, choosing to evolve in your current profession, embarking on entrepreneurship… Whatever your need to evolve, there are different programs of trainings. As jobs_that_makesense is an employment platform in the professional field of impact, we are talking to you here about training for a retraining in this direction.


Keeping the same business and giving it a CSR dimension

If you are currently working, there are short courses suitable for senior executives and executives.


Short trainings

Dans l’ère du temps

To set up a CSR approach in your job or reorient yourself in CSR, Dans l'ère du temps has set up a 7-day semi-face-to-face training course in Paris, eligible for the CPF.

👉 for further


The Ecolearn training organization offers “Climate Strategies” training to orient your career towards the management of a climate strategy, the decarbonization of the business model and the operations of a company. Organized online and/or face-to-face in Paris, the training courses have been designed with EcoAct, which supports companies in their climate strategy.

👉 for further

Rennes School of business

For managers, the school has set up a continuous training program of 6 days over 3 months to progress in the profession of responsible manager. The training can be financed via the OPCOs and the CPF.

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Long trainings

Ecole 3A 

As part of continuing education, Ecole 3A has set up a diploma course, manager of solidarity organizations, for leaders, managers or future team managers. The objective is to develop the skills of tomorrow's managers such as shared governance or collective intelligence. The latter lasts 1 year with 2 lessons per week, in the evening and remotely, plus 3 days per month face-to-face in Lyon, Paris, Rennes or Toulouse. You can finance it via the CPF.

Example of outlets:

  • Management of association or cooperative
  • Project management
  • Development of SSE partnerships
  • CSR service manager
  • association director
  • Foundation Director...


Training to learn a key profession of ecological and social transition

👉 Access the training catalog here


Training to get started in entrepreneurship

👉 Access the training catalog here

Retrain without going through training


If you do not wish to undertake training, you can opt for the VAE system: Validation of Acquired Experience which allows you to obtain professional certification by aiming for a particular professional title. To know the certifications recognized by the state: The National Directory of Professional Certifications (RNCP) lists all the training diplomas of organizations that have received authorization to train.

If you have experience in responsible management, you can also try to obtain the certification equivalent to the 3A school diploma course, mentioned above. You then submit an application file which will be examined by a jury, which will validate whether you have the skills for the professional title you are aiming for.

Put your current skills at the service of a Social and Solidarity Enterprise (ESS)

As a manager, in the exercise of your profession, you have responsibilities, objectives to achieve, a sometimes intense pace of work, teams to manage. The skills you have developed in the exercise of your current job will be useful to you and can be mobilized in another job. If you are interested in the SSE or impact sector, you can highlight your management and management skills, for example, which some SSE structures may lack.

👉 To find out more about the skills expected by SSE recruiters


Take action

👉 Find a purpose-driven job

👉 Training in the professions of ecological and social transition

For further

👉16 steps for your professional transition

👉 How to make a professional retraining when you are on long-term-contract ?

👉 How to finance your professionnal retraining ?

👉 Make a professional retraining with a Bac+5

👉 Where to get information for a professional retraining

👉Testimonies - successful professional retrainings