Job sheet

quantity surveyor: job, missions and salary

Roles and missions of the quantity surveyor

A quantity surveyor is an essential part of the construction and renovation industry. They are responsible for taking precise measurements for construction, renovation and redevelopment projects, and for determining the quantities of materials and equipment required. The main roles and missions of a quantity surveyor include :

Measuring and checking surfaces to be built, renovated or redeveloped.

Drawing up plans and specifications for the work, based on measurements and data gathered from architectural plans and information provided by the customer.

Calculate the quantities of materials and equipment required and estimate the approximate cost of the work.

Prepare reports and detailed technical specifications.

Provide expertise and technical advice to customers.

Determine control points and measurement methods to meet renovation, construction or redevelopment requirements.

Work closely with architects, engineers and other project stakeholders to ensure that work complies with standards and specifications.

Train employees in metrology techniques and how to read and understand drawings.

Evaluate manufacturing and construction errors and defects.

Control the quality of work performed and ensure compliance with standards and specifications.

Resolve work-related problems and conflicts.

Inspect construction sites and monitor work to ensure compliance with standards and specifications.

A quantity surveyor is an essential professional in any construction or redevelopment project, and they are responsible for the success of the project.

Quantity surveyor's salary and career development

A quantity surveyor is a profession that involves measuring parts, repairs or constructions. They are responsible for verifying and documenting the dimensions and physical characteristics of the objects measured. The average gross annual salary of a quantity surveyor in France is around 33,000 euros. Evolution of gross annual salary in France by years of experience:

0 to 2 years: 27,000 - 30,000 euros

2 to 5 years: 30,000 - 35,000 euros

5 to 10 years: 32,000 - 39,000 euros

10 to 15 years: 33,000 - 45,000 euros

Over 15 years: 34,000 - 50,000 euros

Career prospects for a quantity surveyor:

Quality engineer

Project manager

Maintenance technician

Inspection technician

Test technician

Advantages and disadvantages of being a quantity surveyor


The opportunity to work in a varied and stimulating environment.

Excellent compensation and opportunities for growth and advancement.

The opportunity to work at your own pace.

The opportunity to work abroad and travel.

Excellent training and varied professional experience.


Often irregular working hours and considerable pressure to complete projects.

The need to maintain excellent physical and mental fitness to carry out the job.

Risks of miscalculation and misinterpretation of data.

Additional project management and coordination responsibilities.

Demanding employers and high expectations in terms of work quality.

The latest job offers for quantity surveyor recruiter


Ravaleur/se H/F

Travaux de peinture et vitrerie

Long-term contract
Localisation 14 - IFS, France
Publication date 5 days ago
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