Business developer - Paris

💡 Partenaire de la transition
Localisation Paris, France
Télétravail total autorisé
2 année(s) d'exp.
Publiée le 02/01/2023

Mob Box

Décarboner la mobilité quotidienne des entreprises et des collectivités pour rendre les territoires durables et respirables.

💡 Partenaire de la transition

La mission de cette structure est d’aider les entreprises ou les citoyens à améliorer leur impact environnemental et social. Par exemple le conseil en RSE, la formation, la sensibilisation aux enjeux de la transition, les médias,…

Plus d'informations
Mesure d'impact
Mob Box n'a pas encore transmis de mesure d'impact
Labels et certifications
Cette structure n'a pas souhaité nous communiquer les labels ou certifications qu'elle a pu obtenir.
Voir plus

👋 You are based in France and driven by the clients’ challenges, with passion for entrepreneurship, mobility and impact? We would love to meet you! Send us your CV and cover letter at Cliquez sur candidater pour accéder aux informations.

About Mob Box

Mob Box helps decision makers take better data-based mobility decisions 💡

We are on a mission to help companies decarbonize mobility. Leveraging our SaaS platform along with our in-depth mobility expertise, we accompany stakeholders all the way from data collection and analysis to mobility strategy and implementation to accelerate mobility transition towards decarbonization and sustainability.

We are backed by Lab-Box, the start-up studio of D’Ieteren, which focuses on the future of mobility and promotes new ambitious solutions.

Mob Box is 2 years old and already works with several leading public and private organisations. We are a small but rapidly growing team of diverse and enthusiast individuals, highly motivated by combining analytics, business, and environmental purpose.

At Mob Box, we embrace the new ways of working, i.e. flexible and remote working 🌎

We have an office in Brussels where most of the team is based. The rest of the team is based in France (Marseille and Lyon). We’re all meeting each month in our office in Brussels, and the French team regularly meets somewhere around Paris-Lyon-Marseille! On a daily basis, we collaborate seamlessly no matter where we are.

About the position

☝ We are currently looking for a Business Developer in France, to join Pierre (CEO & founder) in developing this market.

This job represents a unique opportunity to join a early stage start-up with an ambitious vision and a proven service offer.

In this position, you will support the company's rapid growth by leading the sales process from the initial prospections to the deals closing as well as the general operations. Your responsibilities can evolve and grow rapidly, but will include at the start:

  • 💰 Ensure commercial efforts (e.g., cold-calling, leads generation, representation at events)
  • 👥 Collaborate with project teams to develop realistic proposals, yet fostering innovation
  • 🥇 Pitch proposals to clients, manage contracts, and maintain best-in-class client relationships
  • 🌐 Build strong partnerships with external or internal parties to enhance commercial traction
  • 👨‍🔧 Oversee the company's operations, incl. improving performance, securing compliance, etc.
  • ⚙️ Implement and maintain robust ops processes (sales, HR, project management, ...)
Profil recherché

About you

  • You have a relevant background 🤓. You have a master in business management, engineering, or equivalent and already worked in sales, operations, entrepreneurship, mobility, ... in the French market.
  • You are a seller 🤝. Leads generation, client relationship, storytelling, convincing, ... This sounds like music to your ears.
  • You know about mobility 🚂. Not only your bus number. You have an opinion about what mobility should look like in the future.
  • You are an entrepreneur 🦄. Ambitious, proactive, and not easily discouraged. You like to get out of your confort zone and can improvise yourself in the role where you are most needed.
  • You believe in change and impact 🌿. And you want to contribute to it.
  • You are located in France 🇫🇷. You don’t mind to work remotely most of the time, but live close enough to a train station to plan face-to-face client visits and come to Brussels regularly.