💡 Structure de l’ESS
Service civique / VSI
Localisation Philippines
Télétravail ponctuel autorisé
Publiée le 09/11/2023


L’insertion professionnelle et sociale de Jeunes en situation de grande pauvreté et victimes d’exclusion.

💡 Structure de l’ESS

Cette structure repose sur un principe de solidarité et d’utilité sociale : son mode de gestion est démocratique et participatif, et sa lucrativité est limitée. Il s’agit d’une association, coopérative, fondation, mutuelle ou entreprise ESUS.

Plus d'informations
Mesure d'impact
LP4Y n'a pas encore transmis de mesure d'impact
Labels et certifications
Cette structure n'a pas souhaité nous communiquer les labels ou certifications qu'elle a pu obtenir.
Voir plus


Building a strong ecosystem of partners is key to Youth Inclusion. The more the Youth will be connected to various actors, the more they will be included.

Since 2009, LP4Y has been developing an ecosystem of 500 partners, in Asia, the Middle East, Europe and the US, all committed to Youth Inclusion: corporates, institutions, NGOs, schools, universities, expatriates, philanthropy networks and local authorities.

As part of the Partnership & Fundraising Philanthropy team based in Indonesia, you will participate in developing links with existing partners, to create new partnerships for Youth Inclusion, raise funds for the field projects and support to best convey LP4Y image to the local networks:

  • Development of philanthropist financial and non-financial partnerships field opportunities,
  • Fundraising proposals, budget and reporting,
  • Global prospection & LP4Y ambassadors network development,
  • In team, participation in the global strategy for partnerships & fundraising in the 14 LP4Y Alliance countries.
Profil recherché

Open, dynamic, motivated people, who are looking for an opportunity to develop their character and skills in a multicultural context and who are committed to making a difference in the world.

Join us in Bangladesh - India - Indonesia - Lebanon - Myanmar - Egypt - Sri Lanka - Nepal or the Philippines!

➡️ To learn more about our mission and open positions**:** https://www.lp4y.org/become-catalyst

Ready to apply?

➡️ Send your English resume and motivation letter at Cliquez sur candidater pour accéder aux informations.