Coordonnatrice de programmes - Inclusion sociale et professionnelle des jeunes adultes (17-24 ans) - LP4Y - Paris

💡 Structure de l’ESS
Service civique / VSI
Localisation Paris, France
Inclusion par l'Emploi
Télétravail ponctuel autorisé
Publiée le 07/01/2024


Development of innovative solutions for the professional and social inclusion of Young people (15-24 yo) from extreme poverty and victims of exclusion.

💡 Structure de l’ESS

Cette structure repose sur un principe de solidarité et d’utilité sociale : son mode de gestion est démocratique et participatif, et sa lucrativité est limitée. Il s’agit d’une association, coopérative, fondation, mutuelle ou entreprise ESUS.

Plus d'informations
  • Site internet
  • Association
  • Entre 50 et 250 salariés
  • Inclusion par l'Emploi
Mesure d'impact
LIFE PROJECT 4 YOUTH n'a pas encore transmis de mesure d'impact
Labels et certifications
Cette structure n'a pas souhaité nous communiquer les labels ou certifications qu'elle a pu obtenir.
Voir plus

Life Project 4 Youth is a federation of 19 organizations in 14 countries whose mission is the development of innovative solutions for the professional and social inclusion of Young people (15-24 yo) from extreme poverty and victims of exclusion.

LP4Y supports the decent inclusion of thousands of Young people and their families in 41 programs, 20 Life Project Centers, 4 Little Angel Academies, 3 Green Villages, 4 Youth hostels, 2 LP4Y Labs in South East Asia, South Asia, Middle East, Europe and America.

Over the past 10 years LP4Y has created solutions, always close to slum areas in large cities such as Manila, Cebu, Iligan, Cagayan de Oro, Calauan, Jakarta, New-Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Raipur, Chennai, Kathmandu, Yangon, Dhaka, and Beirut. Currently, we are 140 Catalysts in Asia working with Young Adults contributing to the development of their country. Since 2009, 2,493 youth have been accompanied to the professional world.

Once trained to the LP4Y Pedagogy and to the use of our tools, you will take part in supporting a team of Young Adults (18 to 25 years old) by developing your skills in the following domains:

  • Pedagogy and follow up of the Young Adults, so that they gain confidence in their capacity to act and therefore find and keep a decent job.
  • Development of a Micro-Economic Initiative (social entrepreneurship) to enable them to develop soft skills (business, management, organization, planning, communication, professionalism, time management) and hard skills (digital literacy, English/basic communication skills).
  • Partnership development to create and develop an integration ecosystem for the Youth.
  • Organisation and management: organisation of program activities in collaboration with other Catalysts, budget management, follow up and reporting of the activities along with the coordination team in support.

You can be a coach:

  • in a Green Village (GV); rural area, the Youth live on site for a 3-month training period
  • in a Training & Development Center (TDC); urban area, the Youth live in the community near the center and receive 6-month training

At least 2 years of engagement through local contracts or volunteering contracts for international Catalysts (such as VSI or French Civique Service).

To know more about our different missions, please visit our website by clicking here!

Profil recherché

Once trained in the LP4Y Pedagogy and in the use of our tools, the Program Coordinator (called a Coach within LP4Y pedagogy) will take part in supporting a team of 15 to 20 Young Adults (17 to 25 years old) by developing its skills in the following domains:

  • Pedagogy and follow-up of the Young Adults, so that they gain confidence in their capacity to act and therefore find and keep a decent job.
  • Development of a Micro-Company (social entrepreneurship) to enable them to develop :
  • Soft skills; business, management, organization, planning, communication, professionalism, time management
  • Hard Skills; digital literacy, English / Globish basic communication skills
  • Partnership development to create and develop an integrated ecosystem for the Youth.
  • Organization and management: organization of program activities in collaboration with other Catalysts, budget management, follow up and reporting of the activities along with the coordination team in support.

The Coach is accompanied on a daily basis by the country coordinator, who is supported by Project Leaders, and specialists in each of these pillars.

The mission can be located:

  • in a Training and Development Center (TDC); in urban areas, the Youth live in the community near the center and receive 6-month training
  • in a Green Village (GV); in rural areas, the Youth live on-site for a 3-month training period