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[Portrait] Anaïs - co-founder of Somanyways

Her beginnings

After her baccalaureate, Anaïs joined a business school in Lille. Once graduated, she began her professional life in human resources and worked for a year in a company that provided soft skills training (behavioral skills). One day, she decides to go to Mexico for a year. The goal? Supporting European SMEs in their establishment on Mexican territory. Back in France, she became involved in the field of access to energy in developing countries.

Through her experiences, Anaïs reveals a thirst for entrepreneurship.

The click

During her last professional experience, Anaïs went on sick leave; her body makes her understand that she is not in her place in her job. Passionate about social sciences and aware of the increasing quest for meaning at work, she began freelance missions in the sector.


A year later, she co-founded SoManyWay, a structure that allows everyone to find their place at each stage of their professional career!

Listen to Anaïs' journey on Soundcloud or on Youtube

Testimony collected by Maela Huon, from the human stories site.