Job sheet

family mediation: profession, tasks and salary

Roles and tasks of a family mediator

The roles and missions of a family mediator are varied and complex. Family mediation is a form of conflict resolution that aims to help families navigate through difficult times and restore peace and harmony. A family mediator works with couples, families and children, as well as individuals with family ties. The main roles and missions of a family mediator include:

Helping families communicate effectively. A family mediator can help families learn to communicate constructively and resolve their conflicts using mediation and negotiation techniques.

Facilitating the resolution of disputes. A family mediator helps the parties involved to find solutions to their problems.

Help families resolve problems between themselves. A family mediator can help family members understand each other's points of view and find solutions that are acceptable to all parties.

Offer specialist advice. A family mediator can provide advice on how to deal with difficult situations, such as custody issues, parent-child relationships, or financial matters.

Provide emotional support. A family mediator can help family members find the support they need to overcome their difficulties.

Help with decision-making. A family mediator can help families make informed decisions about important issues, such as divorce or the division of property.

A family mediator is a trained professional who helps families find solutions to their difficulties. Family mediation can help families remain a strong unit and get through difficult times.

Salary and career development of a family mediator

The salary of a family mediator varies widely. It depends on the level of qualification, location, type of structure, type of contract and years of experience. On average, the gross annual salary for a family mediator is between €28,000 and €40,000. Changes in gross annual salary depending on years of experience in France:

0 to 2 years: between €24,000 and €28,000

2 to 5 years: between €25,000 and €35,000

5 to 10 years: between 32,000 and 45,000 euros

10 to 15 years: between 35,000 and 50,000 euros

More than 15 years: between 40,000 and 55,000 euros

In terms of career prospects, family mediators can progress to occupations such as psychologist, marriage and family counsellor, psychotherapist, manager or social worker.

Advantages and disadvantages of family mediation


An opportunity to work with families to help them resolve their problems and achieve reconciliation.

The challenge and personal satisfaction of being able to help and stimulate positive change.

An opportunity to use creative tools to resolve conflict.

A chance to gain a different and broader perspective on family issues.

An opportunity to use communication tools to help clients improve and understand each other.


The possibility of coming up against complex problems.

The possibility of being confronted with intense emotional conflicts and difficult decisions.

Considerable responsibility and pressure to help families solve their problems.

The possibility of not being able to help the family and not being able to satisfy them.

The possibility of being faced with difficult situations and clients who may be uncooperative.

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