Job sheet

Production operator: job, missions and salary

Roles and tasks of the production operator

Production operators are responsible for several roles and missions in order to ensure the smooth running of the production process. They are responsible for the proper functioning of equipment and finished products.

Some of the main duties and responsibilities of a Production Operator include:

  • Manage the operation of production lines, monitoring the proper functioning of equipment and taking corrective action when necessary.
  • Check quantities and qualities of finished products and raw materials, and ensure compliance with specifications.
  • Prepare finished products for storage and shipment in accordance with procedures and safety standards.
  • Maintain machinery and equipment in good condition and perform periodic maintenance.
  • Issue reports on production and manufacturing anomalies.
  • Ensure safety and cleanliness of the work environment.
  • Assist other production operators and support staff.
  • Respond to technical problems, using correct methods and procedures.
  • Adhere to all applicable rules and procedures.
  • Collaborate with quality personnel to improve product quality.

Production Operators are essential to maintaining the smooth operation of a production line and ensuring the quality and efficiency of finished products. They are responsible for monitoring the manufacturing process and taking corrective action when necessary. They are also responsible for the proper operation of equipment and finished products, adherence to safety and quality standards, preparation of finished products, and maintenance of machinery and equipment. Production Operators must also follow applicable rules and procedures and work with quality personnel to improve

Salary and career development of the production operator

The salary of a production operator depends on his/her experience. Here is a list of gross annual salaries by years of experience in France:

  • 0 to 2 years: approximately 21 908€.
  • 2 to 5 years: approximately 25 060€.
  • 5 to 10 years: approximately 28 043€.
  • 10 to 15 years: approximately 30 574€.
  • More than 15 years: about 33 982€.

The production operator profession also offers interesting career development opportunities. Here are 5 of them:

  • Quality controller
  • Maintenance technician
  • Production manager
  • Line manager
  • Industrial project manager

Advantages and disadvantages of the Production Operator job

  • Decent and regular salary.
  • Opportunities to practice different skills.
  • Opportunity to learn new skills and improve.
  • Good working atmosphere and opportunity to socialize.
  • Safe and healthy work environment.
  • Overtime and non-flexible hours.
  • Physical and strenuous work.
  • Demands for quality and maintaining standards.
  • Work under pressure and responsibility for results.
  • Repetitive and not always challenging tasks.

Latest job offers for production operators

MAIRIE logotype

Operateur conditionnement des boues h/f

Administration publique générale

Long-term contract
Localisation 40 - DAX, France
Publication date 7 days ago
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