Job sheet

eco-design project manager: profession, missions and salary

Roles and missions of the eco-design project manager / eco-design project manager

The eco-design project manager is an expert who plays a fundamental role in companies that care about the environmental and social impact of the products they manufacture. Their role is to help companies create products that minimize their environmental impact while being functional, cost-effective and of high quality. The main responsibilities and missions of an eco-design project manager may include:

Develop product sustainability strategies, plans and goals.

Evaluate the environmental and social impacts of existing products and products in development.

Finding innovative solutions to minimize product impacts while keeping it functional, profitable and of high quality.

Analysis of materials, components and technologies to determine their environmental and social impact.

Develop communication strategies to promote the sustainable and responsible use of products.

Ensure product development and monitoring to ensure compliance with sustainability standards.

Identify technologies and materials to be used to achieve sustainable development goals.

Monitor sustainability processes and progress.

Work closely with other services and departments to develop sustainable products.

Participate in sustainability meetings and conferences.

Participate in product certification processes.

The eco-design project manager plays an essential role in ensuring that the products designed and manufactured by a company meet environmental and social standards. He is responsible for the entire process of designing, manufacturing and marketing sustainable products and must work proactively with staff and suppliers to achieve these objectives.

Salary and career development of the eco-design project manager / eco-design project manager

The salary of an eco-design project manager is variable, depending on several factors such as the type of company and the level of experience. In the private sector, the average annual gross salary is between €45,000 and €80,000. In France, the annual gross salary changes for an eco-design project manager are as follows:

0 to 2 years: between €40,000 and €55,000

2 to 5 years: between €48,000 and €70,000

5 to 10 years: between €55,000 and €80,000

10 to 15 years: between €60,000 and €85,000

Over 15 years: between €65,000 and €90,000

Several jobs can be considered to pursue your career as an eco-design project manager, including:

Digital project manager or e-commerce project manager

digital marketing manager

Sustainable development manager

Sustainable innovation specialist

Head of environmental research and development

Advantages and disadvantages of eco-design project manager


The eco-design project manager can help companies achieve their sustainable development goals and reduce their ecological footprint.

It's a great way to help protect the environment and make a difference.

The eco-design project manager can find innovative and stimulating jobs.

She can work with interesting and dynamic multidisciplinary teams.

This is a great opportunity to specialize in an area and practice your technical skills.


Eco-design project managers can find themselves having to make difficult and controversial decisions.

Eco-design project managers may find themselves working overtime and weekends.

The eco-design project manager may find herself working under great pressure to meet deadlines.

The eco-design project manager may find herself having to manage limited budgets.

The eco-design project manager may find herself working in complex political and bureaucratic environments.

The latest eco-design project manager recruiter jobs