Job sheet

Impact measurement consultant: job, assignments and salary

Roles and missions of the Impact Measurement Consultant

An impact measurement consultant is someone who is responsible for carrying out studies and research to measure the positive impact of social and government programmes and policies. They are responsible for collecting and analysing data to assess their effects on the target audience. The tasks and roles of an impact measurement consultant are as follows:

  • Collecting and analysing data: the impact measurement consultant collects data from external and internal sources to assess the performance and positive impact of social and/or government programmes and policies.
  • Writing detailed reports: the impact measurement consultant must write detailed reports presenting the results of their research and their conclusions about the effects of government programmes and policies. The reports often include recommendations for the future improvement of policies and programmes.
  • Participating in meetings and workshops: impact measurement consultants may participate in meetings and workshops to discuss the results of their research and the strategies that can be put in place to maximise the positive impact of programmes and policies.
  • Sharing information and knowledge: the impact measurement consultant is responsible for sharing knowledge and information with other team members and external stakeholders in order to promote and ensure the effective use of programmes and policies.
  • Developing evaluation tools: the impact measurement consultant is responsible for developing evaluation tools and performance indicators to assess the positive impact of programmes and policies. These tools may include questionnaires, surveys, interviews, polls and mathematical tests.
  • Working in collaboration with staff: the impact measurement consultant works closely with staff in government departments and communities af

Salary and career development of an Impact Measurement Consultant

The salary of an Impact Measurement Consultant depends mainly on his or her years of experience, with some variations depending on the sector or type of assignment. In France, here is an estimate of the gross annual salary for an Impact Measurement Consultant, depending on experience:

  • 0-2 years: between €25,000 and €40,000
  • 2-5 years: between €40,000 and €70,000
  • 5-10 years: between €70,000 and €100,000
  • 10-15 years: between 100,000 and 150,000 euros
  • More than 15 years: more than 150,000 euros

Advantages and disadvantages of Impact measurement consultant


Ability to use advanced tools and methods to measure the impact of programmes and policies.

Rewarding and challenging work, with opportunities for a variety of projects and clients.

Opportunity to work on international and local projects.

Part-time and remote working available.

Promising job prospects as the need to measure the impact of programmes and policies grows.


Duration and complexity of projects, which can sometimes be tedious and stressful.

May involve travel to develop information in the field.

Can be difficult to communicate results effectively to clients.

Strong competition in the sector, with variable pricing.

Can require a high level of attention to detail to ensure accurate results, as well as in-depth knowledge and understanding of impact measurement methodology.

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