Job sheet

engraver: profession, missions and salary

Roles and missions of the engraver

Engravers are specialists in the engraving and design of metal and wood products. It's an exciting and highly technical profession, requiring a great deal of concentration and patience. Engravers must be highly skilled and experienced to be effective in their work. Here is a list of the roles and missions of engravers:

Plan, design and create products that meet customer needs.

Use hand and machine engraving techniques.

Manage and supervise the manufacturing process.

Create works of art on materials such as metal, wood and plastic.

Work with engraving and CAD/CAM software.

Use hand and machine tools to cut, drill and polish.

Draw and modify diagrams, plans and drawings.

Follow instructions from customers and project managers.

Collaborate with other members of the production team.

Ensure the quality of finished products and that they meet customer specifications.

Establish timelines and cost estimates for projects.

Take safety measures to ensure a safe and clean working environment.

Engravers are highly talented and skilled professionals who offer inestimable value to their customers.

Salary and career development for engravers

An engraver's salary can vary considerably according to geographic location, type of business and level of experience. On average, a full-time engraver can expect a gross annual salary of between €23,000 and €33,000 in France. Here's a list of gross annual salary evolutions according to the years of experience of an engraver/engraver:

0 to 2 years: between €22,000 and €27,000

2 to 5 years: between €28,000 and €33,000

5 to 10 years: between €29,000 and €36,000

10 to 15 years: between €29,000 and €40,000

Over 15 years: between €33,000 and €43,000

There are several professions offering career development prospects for engravers:

Mechanical engineer

Graphic designer

Printing technician

Pre-printing technician

Machining technician

Advantages and disadvantages of engraving


Opportunity to create high-quality, one-of-a-kind pieces with high precision.

Diversified work with different metals and materials (steel, gold, silver, etc.).

Excellent opportunity to create customized, personalized pieces.

Work at your own pace and from home.

Attractive salary for the most qualified engravers.


Previous training and experience required to obtain the position.

Meticulous work requiring strong technical skills and attention to detail.

Specialized and expensive equipment required for the job.

Work is usually performed from home, which can lead to social isolation.

Risk of injury and long-term health problems if proper precautions are not taken.

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