Les 25 meilleures formations RSE : notre sélection

Le SIF se consacre à réduire la pauvreté et la vulnérabilité en France et dans le monde, sans prosélytisme ni discrimination.
Structure de l’ESS
Cette structure repose sur un principe de solidarité et d’utilité sociale : son mode de gestion est démocratique et participatif, et sa lucrativité est limitée. Il s’agit d’une association, coopérative, fondation, mutuelle ou entreprise ESUS.
As a prominent humanitarian actor in France and across the globe, SIF has developed a comprehensive communication, branding, and reputation strategy focused on delivering high-quality content and upholding ethical values and editorial guidelines, all in alignment with humanitarian and ethical principles.
At the core of our independence and autonomy lies effective communication, including image and reputation management, contributing significantly to the growth of SIF's financial resources, which, in turn, enables us to fulfill our social mandate and mission of serving the most vulnerable.
As part of our digital team, you will play a crucial role in crafting and curating compelling content in English and adapting French content for our website, social media platforms, email campaigns, and digital marketing materials. Your expertise will contribute to enhancing our online presence and driving traffic to our platforms.
Your main missions will be the following (non-exhaustive and evolving list) :
• Contribute to crafting engaging editorial plans and content strategies
• Create top-notch English content for our website, social media channels, email campaigns, digital marketing materials, annual reports, and more
• Seamlessly translate and adapt French content into compelling English narratives
• Work closely with the Digital and Marketing teams to ensure content alignment with our objectives and brand image
• Deliver high-quality, clear, and precise English content throughout the organization
• Keep our content fresh and up-to-date to reflect the evolution of our programs and initiatives
• Utilize SEO tools for content analysis and performance improvement
• Participate in content integration into the CMS, adhering to SEO best practices (Hn tags, titles, meta descriptions, etc.).
Tu souhaites te réorienter mais tu ne sais pas par où commencer ? Pas de panique, on te propose une sélection de formations aux métiers de la transition écologique et solidaire !
Tu ne t'épanouis plus dans ton travail, et tu envisages de changer de profession pour trouver plus de sens dans ta vie professionnelle ? Découvre les ressources pour t'aider à réflechir à un projet de reconversion et trouver ta voie.