Assistante Commerciale & Marketing Green Film Festival Deauville Green Awards Anglais/Allemand Langue maternelle ou bilingue - Paris - Paris

💡 Structure de l’ESS
Localisation Paris, France
Consommation responsable
Télétravail ponctuel autorisé
650 - 650€ brut (Mensuel)
Pour tous niveaux d'expérience
Publiée le 30/10/2024
Début : janvier 2024
> Fin : juin 2024

Deauville Green Awards

Organisation d'un festival de films éco-responsable qui a pour but de mettre en avant des oeuvres portant sur des sujets divers.

💡 Structure de l’ESS

Cette structure repose sur un principe de solidarité et d’utilité sociale : son mode de gestion est démocratique et participatif, et sa lucrativité est limitée. Il s’agit d’une association, coopérative, fondation, mutuelle ou entreprise ESUS.

Plus d'informations
  • Site internet
  • Association
  • < 15 personnes
  • Consommation responsable
Mesure d'impact
Deauville Green Awards n'a pas encore transmis de mesure d'impact
Labels et certifications
Cette structure n'a pas souhaité nous communiquer les labels ou certifications qu'elle a pu obtenir.
Voir plus

Activities: Sales / Marketing / Public Relation / Event Organization

Duration: 9th of January 2025 thru 7th of July 25 (6 months, flexible)

Location: > Paris

Wage: 4,35€/hour

This is part of a serie of 3 internships as Sales & Marketing Assistants for French, English OR German native speakers.



Joining a young and international team you will operate in Sales and Marketing Development during the for the 14th ‘Deauville Green Awards’, the International Film Festival for responsible films.

Your main mission will be:

  • Sales campaign through phoning until April. You will actively call French production companies, filmmakers, NGOs, corporations and public institutions (working in the fields of Ecology or Social Responsibility) to make them submit their films in the competition.

Other key tasks include:

  • PR & Communication: several possible missions under the supervision of our communication director: community management, press relations, copywriting, SEO, SEA, graphic design (Canva or Adobe), video editing, webmarketing (newsletter & database) etc.

  • Event production: assist in the running of the Festival, in Paris

Profil recherché

Candidate’s profile:

  • Excellent phoning skills
  • Thorough, proactive and organized. Able to work alone and as part of a team.
  • Perfect English and/or German (native or bilingual speaker), Spanish and French is a plus**.**