Chef de produit - Paris

💡 Produits ou services responsables
Localisation Paris, France
Télétravail ponctuel autorisé
3 année(s) d'exp.
Publiée le 04/09/2024

CarbonFarm Technology

CarbonFarm veut démocratiser la riziculture durable en donnant accès aux smallholders aux crédits carbones: • +20% smallholder profits • -30% eau utilisé • -50% émissions de méthane

💡 Produits ou services responsables

La mission de cette entreprise est de concevoir des produits ou proposer des services éco-responsables alignés avec les besoins de la transformation écologique et solidaire.

Plus d'informations
Mesure d'impact

Nous avons réalisé une mesure d’impact en interne.

Labels et certifications
Cette structure n'a pas souhaité nous communiquer les labels ou certifications qu'elle a pu obtenir.
Voir plus

What we're looking for 🥸

Today farmers are paid for what they grow. The planet also needs them to be paid for how. At CarbonFarm, we’re on a mission to make this a reality for the 160 million smallholders growing rice.

To help us get there, we’re looking for our first ever Product Manager. Independent, curious, humble and a go-getter. As the first Product Manager, you’ll we working closely with the company founders. This means you’ll often need to work independently and proactively, making the most out of your time to help us build the product to get us our goals.

Responsibilities 🪖

As Product Manager, you will be responsible for building the right product. This means both discovery and delivery.

In terms of discovery, you will need to work with the rest of the team to facilitate user story boarding, identify and flesh out priority use cases, and define and specify new features. You won’t be alone - we have a team of 14 that will provide you with a rich source of information and insights - but we’ll need you to lead the process, ask the right questions, and ultimately ensure that we focus our product-building energy on the highest-value tasks.

Then comes delivery. Our tech team works in scrum mode and they’ll need your help setting out a roadmap. Part of this is planning, working with the team to grasp the relative complexity of different features, putting together product mockups and setting out a roadmap. Part of this is quality assurance - validating the usability of new features - and part is communicating on new features as they are delivered.

Of course, we’re a startup and the list doesn’t stop there! We’re in the process of rolling out our product and service offering. While we’re figuring out how to improve and automate as much as we can, we’ll need your help to go through and cast an analytical eye over our client delivery process. This will mean coordinating with operational partners across the globe using our different apps and tools.

In the short term, you’ll be looking for pain points to improve. Over the long term, you’ll become an end-to-end rice carbon project development expert. Our market is complicated with many subtleties. As we look to later build up a product team and scale, this early experience will prove invaluable.

Profil recherché

Qualifications 🎓

Background 📜

Bachelors or Masters degree in Engineering, Science, Mathematics, Computer Science or Statistics. If Masters in Business, must demonstrate technical proficiency.

3+ years previous experience working in a product role.

Expected skillset 💪🏼

English - spoken and written

Product design, development & management

Basic data analysis

Knowledge of agile methodologies, notably scrum

Versed in lean UX and iterative development

Problem solving and analytical mindset

Great people skills and comfortable collaborating with technical team members

Critical judgement

Keen understanding of climate change at a high level and interest to dig into the detail

Bonus points ➕➕➕

Agricultural knowledge

Experience working with satellite-data-driven products

French speaking