Candidate Guide

What soft skills to put in your resume ?

If GPT chat and other artificial intelligences come to complement or compete with the human brain, having good technical skills may no longer be enough. In fact, it is already the case, since human and relational qualities are as important as hard skills for 92% of recruiters according to a 2019 report from the professional network LinkedIn, relayed by Pôle Emploi. To apply for job offers, you can therefore indicate in addition to your acquired technical skills, your soft skills in your resume. The recruiter can then ask you to detail each personal quality during the job interview. How do you choose soft skills for your resume? Which ones represent you best? Here is a list of soft skills so that you can select those that speak to you the most!

Soft skills sought by recruiters

Here is a list of personal skills and know-how sought by recruiters, in which you may recognize yourself:

Relational skills




Ability to communicate orally and in writing



Emotional intelligence

For which positions?

Globally, these abilities and qualities are appreciated in all positions that require being in relation with other human beings, and they are particularly indispensable for commercial jobs, in human resources, in the creation of partnerships, in management, in education, in training, in awareness...

Leadership skills

Ability to resolve conflicts

Team spirit


Motivating teams


Adapting to change


Time management

Stress management

Taking initiative


Emotional intelligence






For which positions ?

These professional skills are useful for all positions of directors, managers, drh, in project management, change management, transformation of organizations, but they can also be appreciated for a position that does not concern management, especially by employers who appreciate collaboration with proactive and autonomous people, capable of making decisions.

Skills related to creativity


Beautiful writing


Artistic sense


Ability to inspire others

For which jobs ?

They can be important skills for creative positions such as graphic designer, illustrator, photographer, in marketing, communication. And also group animation, community management, social and management positions.

Analytical skills

Analytical skills

Problem solving


Critical thinking

Ability to question things

Logical thinking

For which jobs ?

For jobs that involve science, strategy, logistics, accounting, finance, soft skills of this type are useful.

Management skills

Time management



Priority management


Resource management

For which positions ?

This can be management positions or any job where deadlines are short, the pace is fast and key objectives must be met. Customer service jobs in the hotel/restaurant industry, in commerce or in the social sector, for example, require good management in order not to be overwhelmed by a heavy workload.

SSE competencies

In an article about skills in SSE, here is a list of skills and qualities sought and valued by SSE recruiters:

Collective intelligence








And other cross-cutting skills

Continuous learning



Ability to convince






The list of appreciated qualities is long !

⚠️ ATTENTION, all the skills and competencies we have mentioned are grouped in categories and we give you some ideas of jobs for which they are important, in order to guide you, but they can of course be applicable to other jobs. Often the recruiter will tell you which soft skills are preferred in the job posting.

How to present your soft skills in a resume?

To know how to highlight your human qualities and aptitudes in your resume, here are 3 examples of soft skills presentation!

  • In general, you can select 4 or 5 and present them in the form of keywords such as

Active listening




  • You can emphasize a particular skill by using adjectives:

Great interpersonal skills

Good ability to work alone

Ability to work in a team

  • You can also add a gauge to indicate which soft skills are most strongly present in your personality:

Training to develop soft skills

When looking for a job, the soft skills required for a position do not always come naturally. As with technical skills, to develop interpersonal and other soft skills, you can take training courses. Here are some of them :


Not to keep quiet, but to learn how to manage your stress and be more comfortable speaking in public. This short training of a few hours or 2 days maximum is available online or in person in Paris. You can have it financed via several mechanisms such as the AIF, the CPF or the OPCO.

👉Learn more here

Walk your talk

To develop communication and cooperation skills, this 4-day training in Saint-Pierre-des-Corps, 1 hour from Paris, allows you to acquire key skills to develop your emotional intelligence.

👉Learn more here


To learn the posture of the facilitator and all the soft skills that are related to this posture, which is more and more sought after in consulting positions, particularly in change management and organizational transformation. This 2 to 3 days training is available in several cities in France.

👉Learn more here


You can also learn to identify your qualities and acquired skills with the help of a professional coach and to know which ones to put forward in your resume.

To take action

👉Here all the trainings to develop your behavioral skills.

Pour aller plus loin 

👉Soft Skills: what is facilitation ?

👉Write a cover letter for an internship in 10 steps

👉How to make a resume ?