Skill Hacks

Environmental Training: Our Top 10

If you are searching for meaning in your professional journey, whether you are still studying, retraining, or a recent graduate, training in the field of environment is more than just a career choice: it is a commitment for the future. In a context where green and sustainable jobs are booming, specialized training in environmental management, ecology, and sustainable development will enable you to become an active participant in the ecological transition. Discover our selection of the best courses in France, suitable for all levels, from high school to master’s, to support you on this path.

Why train in the environment?

Current environmental issues

Environmental challenges continue to grow: climate change, water resource management, pollution, waste management… According to ADEME, to achieve the goals set by environmental regulations, nearly one million new green jobs need to be created by 2050 to support the ecological transition in France. By training in the environment, you will be able to develop sustainable management skills and actively contribute to the preservation of nature and ecosystems.

A rapidly growing sector

Environmental jobs are in high demand across all sectors, from renewable energy to waste management, including environmental health and CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). Companies, whether in Paris or the regions, are seeking professionals trained in sustainable development issues who are capable of managing ambitious projects. By taking an appropriate course, whether in person or online, you will increase your chances of professional insertion and success in this rapidly growing sector.

Environmental training: our selection

Overview of available courses

There is a wide variety of environmental courses available, suitable for all profiles: online courses for those who prefer flexibility, to in-person training for full immersion. The programs range from technical diplomas to bachelor’s, and from master’s to specialized master’s in environmental management or ecological engineering. Each course offers specific skills to work in diverse sectors such as water management, waste management, renewable energy, or ecology.

Training Specificities Duration and location Financing
👉 Blue Eco Formations - Master’s in Ecological Engineering Professional pedagogical support provided by expert trainers 2 years online Self-financing
👉 École des transitions écologiques du Cnam - Certificate on ecological transitions in professional practices Cnam has been supporting professional developments since 1793 5 days online or in cities throughout France CPF, France Travail, OPCO
👉 Institut Supérieur de l’Environnement - BTSA Management and Protection of Nature To develop naturalist skills and specialize 2 years in Versailles, Lyon, Nantes Initial training
👉 Ecole Supérieure des Agricultures - BTSA Management and Protection of Nature Over 150,000 people trained remotely by ESA 2 years online Self-financing
👉 IET - Agricultural BTS Management and Protection of Nature Over 1,400 graduates from BAC to BAC +5 2 years in Lyon Initial training
👉 Institut Supérieur de l’Environnement - Executive Master’s in Environmental Management, Engineering, and Law The first school for ecological transition professions since 1993 1 year in Paris or online CPF, OPCO
👉 Etika Mondo - Immersion internship in a eco-place To experience ecology in practice 5 days in the Cévennes Self-financing
👉 Les Entrepreneurs Animaliers - Become a nature animator To facilitate the relationship with living beings through educational and pedagogical approaches 13 weeks online OPCO, France Travail
👉 Eveil et Nature - Nature Guide Training To facilitate or develop nature workshops with children (3 to 12 years old) 38h online OPCO
👉 Campus de la transition - T Campus To live an immersive experience in an eco-place 4 weeks in an eco-place in Occitanie Self-financing

Blue Eco Formations - Master's in Ecological Engineering

This two-year master's program, entirely online, is designed for those who wish to combine flexibility and pedagogical excellence. With expert trainers, this course allows you to master ecological engineering while continuing your professional activity or other commitments. An excellent choice to deepen your knowledge in sustainable development. Learn more.

École des transitions écologiques du Cnam - Certificate on ecological transitions in professional practices

Accessible over five days online or in-person in several cities in France, this certificate is ideal for those who want to quickly acquire skills in ecological transition applied to the professional world. Learn more.

Higher Institute of Environmental Studies - BTSA Management and Protection of Nature

This two-year program in Versailles, Lyon or Nantes allows you to develop naturalist skills and specialize in the management of natural environments. Perfect for those who want to commit to biodiversity conservation. Find out more.

Superior School of Agriculture - BTSA Management and Protection of Nature

Specializing in distance agricultural education since 1927, this program offers you a two-year online course to train you in the management and protection of natural environments. Find out more.

IET - Agricultural BTS Management and Protection of Nature

With more than 1400 graduates, IET offers a two-year BTS in Lyon, ideal for gaining expertise in ecosystem management. Find out more.

Higher Institute of Environmental Studies - Executive Master's in Environmental Management, Engineering, and Law

This master's degree, offered in Paris or online, is perfect for those who want to combine management, engineering, and legal expertise in the environmental sector. Find out more.

Etika Mondo - Immersion Internship in an Eco-site

This five-day immersive training in the Cévennes allows you to live ecology daily and learn directly on an eco-site. Ideal for those who want to experiment with alternative lifestyles and understand sustainable nature management. Find out more.

Animal Entrepreneurs - Become a Nature Animator

This 13-week online course is for those who wish to develop pedagogical skills to bring the public closer to nature. Find out more.

Awakening and Nature - Nature Guide Training

With this 38-hour online training, you will learn to lead nature workshops for children, a valuable asset for professionals in education, school health, or animation. Find out more.

Campus of Transition - T Campus

Experience a unique experience in an eco-site in Occitania for four weeks, this is what T Campus offers, an immersive training to understand the ecological transition by living it daily. Find out more.

Online Training

Online courses are ideal if you are looking for flexibility. They allow you to follow the courses at your own pace, whether you are working, retraining, or want to add additional skills to your current career path. Online courses are often more geographically and economically accessible and offer an excellent opportunity for those with time or mobility constraints.

Examples of Online Environmental Trainings

In-person Training

In-person training courses provide you with total immersion in the subject. They encourage interaction with instructors and other participants, enriching the learning experience through direct interactions and hands-on practice. This format is particularly suitable if you are looking for a collective and more structured learning experience, where you can ask questions in real-time and benefit from a stimulating study environment.

Examples of in-person environmental training courses

How to finance your environmental training?

There are several methods to finance your environmental training, allowing you to pursue your project without worrying about the costs.

CPF (Personal Training Account)

The CPF is an option available to all employees, freelancers, and job seekers. It enables you to utilize your training rights throughout your career to finance qualifying training courses. It is an excellent way to make your environmental training accessible.

CPF-eligible environmental training courses

OPCO (Skills Operators)

OPCOs assist companies in financing employee training. If you are an employee or in a work-study program, your company can finance all or part of your training through these mechanisms. It is a valuable opportunity to receive training without spending a fortune.

Environmental training courses funded by OPCOs

France Travail

If you are looking for a job, France Travail provides mechanisms to finance your training and support you in your professional integration. These funds are specifically designed for job seekers who want to upgrade their skills and find sustainable employment.

Environmental training courses funded by France Travail

Training in the environment opens doors to rewarding and high-impact careers. These courses help develop specific skills in key sectors such as water management, waste management, or sustainable management. Whether online or in person, there is a course suited to every profile. Don't wait any longer to get started and become an agent of change! Join an environmental training course and help build the world of tomorrow.