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5 jobs for sustainable agriculture

With its often controversial image, agriculture is a sector with a wide range of professions that will surprise you with their diversity and their place in our daily lives! Because without agriculture there would be no food, it's essential for us, and offers careers that meet the environmental, economic and social challenges facing our planet.

If you're interested in the world of nature, the environment, agriculture and ecology, this is the place to find meaningful, forward-looking careers!

1. Environmental engineer

Environmental engineers are professionals who strive to protect and preserve the environment. They use their knowledge of science and technology to solve environmental problems such as pollution, climate change, sustainable use of natural resources and waste treatment. Environmental engineers can also contribute to the design of innovative technologies to improve air and water quality, reduce energy consumption...

Missions :

  • Conduct impact studies
  • Take account of town planning regulations
  • Plan waste management
  • Assess and support farms in their carbon footprint...

👉 Discover the environmental engineer training course

2. Organic Agriculture Technician

Organic farming technicians are at the heart of environmentally-friendly food production. Their role is to advise farmers on organic farming methods, monitor compliance with organic standards and promote good farming practices. They may also be involved in certifying organic farms and educating the public about the benefits of organic farming for human health and environmental sustainability.

Their missions may vary according to the organization they work for:

  • Advice to farmers
  • Crop monitoring
  • Organic certification
  • Training

👉 Discover the BTS ACSE biological agriculture

3. Irrigation and water management manager

In a context of climate change and scarcity of water resources, the irrigation and water management manager plays a vital role in preserving this precious resource. Their expertise enables them to design and implement efficient irrigation systems, reducing water losses and promoting rational use of water resources. They also work on stormwater management, wastewater reuse and watershed conservation projects to ensure sustainable water management in agriculture.

Missions :

  • Irrigation planning
  • Irrigation system management
  • Water needs assessment
  • Water supply management
  • Water resources monitoring and management
  • Reporting and regulatory compliance

👉 Découvre la formation ingénieur agronome

4. Natural and protected areas project manager

The natural and protected areas project manager is responsible for preserving, managing and promoting natural areas such as regional nature parks, nature reserves, wetlands, protected areas, etc. His/her work involves reconciling the imperatives of biodiversity conservation, environmental protection and socio-economic development.

Missions :

  • Development and implementation of projects to preserve natural ecosystems
  • Administrative and regulatory management
  • Animation and awareness-raising
  • Ecological monitoring
  • Project coordination

👉 Discover the BTS Nature management and protection

5. Conseiller·e agriculture durable

The job of agricultural advisor is a profession that aims to help farmers make the transition to more environmentally-friendly, socially equitable and economically viable agricultural practices. The agricultural advisor intervenes at different levels, from the design of production systems to the marketing of products, via the management of natural resources.

Tasks :

  • Technical advice
  • Development of management plans
  • Analysis of farming systems
  • Support in the transition to sustainable agriculture
  • Monitoring and innovation

👉 Discover the agroecology and food systems Bachelor

More concretely, there are a multitude of professions linked to agriculture and the environment:

  • Technical environmental engineer
  • Methanization process engineer
  • Waste management manager
  • Renewable energy engineer
  • Eco-design project manager
  • Biological control engineer
  • Rural development officer
  • Environmental policies and transitions department manager
  • CSR Manager
  • Environment Manager
  • Environment and Circular Economy Engineer
  • Environmental Project Manager
  • Nature coordinator
  • Sales manager
  • Sustainable agriculture consultant
  • Biodiversity expert
  • Sustainable agriculture coordinator...


These professions reflect the diversity of jobs needed to build a truly sustainable agricultural system. With ESA, train for high-impact careers from bac+2 to bac+5, and take up the challenges of tomorrow's agriculture and food: BTS, Licence, Bachelor, Ingénieur, Master, there's bound to be a course for you!

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