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Promouvoir la langue et la culture françaises auprès des réfugiés et des demandeurs d’asile non francophones dans le but de contribuer à leur insertion en France et à leur autonomie.
SSE organization
This structure is based on a principle of solidarity and social utility: its management is democratic and participative, and its profit-making potential is limited. It may be an association, cooperative, foundation, mutual or ESUS company.
Vous souhaitez rejoindre notre structure mais vous n'avez pas trouvé d'offres sur notre page carrière qui correspondent à votre profil ?
N'hésitez pas à nous envoyez votre candidature spontanée en cliquant sur le bouton "Candidater" !
Discover all the resources to inspire and guide you in the world of positive impact. Testimonials, analyses, job descriptions and skills of tomorrow, everything you always wanted to know without daring to ask.
You no longer thrive in your work, and you plan to change profession to find more meaning in your professional life? Discover the resources to help you think about a retraining project and find your way.