Biodiversity Sampling Strategy Intern - Zurich

💡 Company in transition
Localisation Zurich
Posted on 12-13-2022

AXA Climate

La Raison d'être d'AXA Climate est d'aider la planète Terre à devenir une véritable partie prenante de toutes les entreprises. Notre Mission est l'adaptation climatique et environnementale.

💡 Company in transition

This company has begun its transition to improve its social and environmental impact. Only jobs that contribute directly to this transition are published here, such as CSR manager or carbon footprint project manager.

More information
  • Website
  • Company
  • Between 50 and 250 employees
  • Others
Impact study
AXA Climate did not yet communicate its impact measurement.
Labels and certifications
This structure did not communicate to us the labels or certifications that it was able to obtain.
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La Raison d’être d’AXA Climate est d’aider la planète Terre à devenir une véritable partie prenante de toutes les entreprises.
La Mission d’AXA Climate, c’est l’adaptation climatique et environnementale. Au service de cette mission, 4 différents métiers ! 

  • La formation - via des contenus digitaux, scientifiques pour mettre en mouvement tous les collaborateurs, leur donner les compétences et les outils. 
  • Le conseil - pour impacter en local, via des actions d’adaptation concrètes.
  • L’assurance et le financement - pour sécuriser celles et ceux qui s’adaptent, et impactent. 

AXA Climate and ETHZ are looking for a joint intern who will support applied research in the domain of agriculture and biodiversity risk management.

Agricultural activities are both vital for sustaining the global populations, but are also negatively impacting biodiversity worldwide. Hence, sustainable goals should be reached that allows agriculture to co-exist with biodiversity. The coexistence between farming and wildlife can be achieved on the alpha and beta niches, either having agricultural practice that allow for within-site biodiversity by being extensive (and thus less productive) or by having some aspect of the land very productive and intense, while leaving part of the land aside for biodiversity to thrive. The ongoing agricultural transition is focused on these two aspects, but we currently lack efficient methods to monitor the effectiveness of these solutions as regard to biodiversity and other services provided by farmlands (agricultural products productions, carbon storage etc.)

Your main task will include
• Perform a literature review on farm-level biodiversity monitoring schemes
• Develop a sampling strategy at the farm level for biodiversity using environmental DNA
• Identify eDNA collection methods adapted to crops and target taxonomic groups
• Compare the advantages and limitations of eDNA analytical approaches
• Evaluate how to summarize multi-dimensional biodiversity information into a performance index


• Bachelor or MSc program in biology, agricultural or environmental sciences or any related fields.

• Strong scientific skills: statistics, probabilities
• Coding experience with R or Python is required, experience with geodata or remotely sensed data is a plus
• Soft skills: strong autonomy, Integrity, Team spirit
• A strong motivation to have a positive impact for our planet and create actionable change

Experience / Background:
• Knowledge of agriculture and regenerative practices would be a plus
• Understanding of eDNA and molecular analyses would be a plus
• Knowledges satellite data and other remote sensing technologies would be a plus

• Fluency in English required, any other language is a plus