Job sheet

Supply chain director: job description, duties and salary

Roles and responsibilities of the Supply Chain Director

The role and remit of a Supply Chain Director (SCD) are many and varied. As a leader, the DSC is responsible for managing and improving supply chain processes. They are responsible for :

Gathering and analysing data to understand the supply chain and identify opportunities for improvement;

Develop and implement strategies and plans to improve the supply chain and reduce costs;

Establish and maintain successful relationships with suppliers, customers and business partners;

Evaluate and monitor supply chain performance and develop action plans in the event of problems;

Identify and develop technologies to improve processes and reduce costs;

Manage supply chain teams and ensure their performance;

Ensure compliance with supply chain regulations and procedures;

Develop and maintain efficient and reliable stock and delivery management systems.

The DSC is required to work closely with the Board and other senior managers to ensure that the supply chain is aligned with the company's strategies and meets customer needs. He or she must also be able to manage

Salary and career development of the Supply Chain Director

The Supply Chain Director is a highly sought-after position in the logistics and stock management sector. These professionals are responsible for ensuring that products and services are delivered on time, to the right places and in the right quantities. In France, the gross annual salary of a Supply Chain Director varies according to experience:

0 to 2 years: between €40,000 and €60,000 gross per annum

2 to 5 years: between €50,000 and €70,000 gross per annum

5 to 10 years: between €70,000 and €90,000 gross per annum

10 to 15 years: between €90,000 and €120,000 gross per annum

More than 15 years: more than 120,000 euros gross per year

A Supply Chain Director can consider a number of professions as part of his or her career development. These include

Logistics expert

Purchasing manager

Operations Director

Supply chain manager

Business development manager

Advantages and disadvantages of Supply Chain Director


Good pay and benefits: Responsible supply chain manager positions are well-paid and offer benefits such as fringe benefits, holidays and medical cover, etc.

Ability to work in a variety of fields: Supply chain manager positions can be adapted to a wide range of sectors and fields, including IT, healthcare, engineering, agriculture, etc.

Opportunity to use modern tools: Responsible supply chain management positions offer incumbents the opportunity to use cutting-edge technologies to improve their operations and efficiency.

Opportunity to work with multicultural teams: Responsible Supply Chain Manager positions offer the opportunity to work with multicultural teams and manage customers and suppliers on an international scale.

Opportunity to develop varied skills: Responsible supply chain management positions offer the opportunity to develop a variety of skills, such as communication, management, decision-making and negotiation skills.


Stress: Responsible supply chain management positions are very stressful, and deadlines can be very tight. Managers need to be able to cope with the stress and pressures of the job.

Long hours: Responsible Supply Chain roles can involve working overtime and weekends, which can be very difficult to manage.

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