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Se former à l’impact
Produits ou services responsables
La mission de cette entreprise est de concevoir des produits ou proposer des services éco-responsables alignés avec les besoins de la transformation écologique et solidaire.
MORFO develops a large-scale solution for restoring native forest ecosystems. We address a crucial issue in maintaining acceptable living conditions for human beings because:
We are one of only three companies in the world capable of restoring diverse native forest ecosystems. Concretely, our teams analyze vast abandoned spaces, work with local seed networks to select and identify the species to be replanted, determine the optimal planting conditions, revitalize up to 50 hectares per day using drones, and monitor the progress for several years.
"The MORFO technique is based on the semi-direct technique but protects the seed. Its advantage is that it can be applied everywhere in Guyana, Brazil, or Africa in general. It solves numerous difficulties, such as implementation, access, adaptation to the local ecosystem, and the choice of the planting time, for example."
Robin Duponnois, Research Director at IRD.
We are members of ClimAccelerator, a European program supporting climate startups, and work with prestigious partners such as LSTM (a collaboration between IRD, INRAe, and CIRAD in France) and leading Brazilian actors in reforestation: UFSCar and UFV's advanced laboratory.
Our goal by 2030:
Our teams are highly diverse, making the group even richer: agronomists, data scientists, project developers, marketing and communication experts, business engineers, and more.
MORFO is looking for new collaborators who are eager to act responsibly and swiftly for our forests, within a flexible, ambitious, and enjoyable environment!