Un chez soi d'abord Val d'Oise

Accompagnement vers un logement et maintien à domicile pour personnes souffrantes de maladie ou handicap psychique sévère. Rétablissement en santé mentale, réduction des dommages, accès au droit.

  • 63 Rue du Maréchal Gallieni, 95120 Ermont, France
  • Cooperative

💡 Public service or utility

This structure is public (local authority, government agency, ministry, etc.) or its mission is of general interest: energy, water and waste management.

Company banner
Impact study

Has had a measurement of its social or environmental impact carried out by a firm external to the structure.

Labels and certifications
This structure did not communicate to us the labels or certifications that it was able to obtain.
Internal practices and policies

Value sharing

Diversity & inclusion

Governance principles
