Moulin à Café

Le Moulin à Café est un café associatif, solidaire et participatif qui permet de savourer un bon repas, boire un verre, discuter, jouer aux échecs, profiter des spectacles, devenir bénévole…

  • 9 Pl. de la Garenne, 75014 Paris, France
  • Nonprofit organization

💡 SSE organization

This structure is based on a principle of solidarity and social utility: its management is democratic and participative, and its profit-making potential is limited. It may be an association, cooperative, foundation, mutual or ESUS company.

Company banner
Impact study

Has had a measurement of its social or environmental impact carried out by a firm external to the structure.

Labels and certifications
This structure did not communicate to us the labels or certifications that it was able to obtain.
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