jobs_that_makesense's call for a big job market shift

Since 2014, we have been supporting candidates to find meaning in their professional life and to train, and recruiters to find competent and motivated future talents. After all these years, we have the feeling that we have now reached a momentum for the impact sector: never have so many citizens wanted to give meaning to their career (78% of 18-24 year olds according to a Yougov survey published at the end of 2021), and at the same time the recruitment needs are enormous (nearly 1 million jobs by 2050 for the green economy according to ADEME). However, many obstacles still stand in the way of this great reconversion of the economy and the labor market that we are calling for. This is why today we wish to challenge the government and in particular the to the future Prime Minister in charge of ecological planning by making concrete proposals on the 3 essential pillars in our opinion:

1. Help impact businesses recruit

  • Implementation of a support system for young companies with an impact similar to that of Young Innovative Companies (exemption from employers' social security contributions during their first 5 years of existence) in order to allow faster recruitment, as proposed by the Manifesto for Tomorrow's Economy of the Impact France Movement.

2. Helping workers to train for jobs in ecological and societal transition

  • Dedicate part of the vocational training budget to supporting the development of skills essential to ecological and societal transition: behavioral skills (facilitation, citizen mobilization, change management) and technical skills (energy renovation, agro-ecology, circular economy, . ..). This can go through a contribution from the CPF for any training in these trades and skills, or even the creation of a specific fund for the youngest.
  • Because training also passes through experience, recognize associative commitment as a Teaching Unit in its own right, on the model of what can already be done in certain universities, such as the University of Paris for example.

3. Support professional retraining

  • Reclassification leave extended to employees who wish to reorient themselves towards a career in ecological and societal transition, and not only within the framework of a Job Protection Plan.
  • Creation of a lifelong orientation and reorientation service, to support active people in their professional careers, to strengthen and popularize existing systems within the framework of Professional Development Council (CEP).