Spontaneous applications M/F - Paris

💡 Responsible products or services
Long-term contract
Localisation Paris, France
Responsible consumption
Posted on 02-27-2023


Notre mission est de permettre une alimentation locale et durable, de qualité et financièrement abordable.

💡 Responsible products or services

The company's mission is to design eco-responsible products and services aligned with the needs of the ecological transformation.

More information
  • Website
  • Company
  • Between 50 and 250 employees
  • Responsible consumption
Impact study
LES SAISONNIERS did not yet communicate its impact measurement.
Labels and certifications
This structure did not communicate to us the labels or certifications that it was able to obtain.
Internal practices and policies
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Tu postules en candidature spontanée, n'oublie pas de noter dans ta lettre de motivation ou sur ton CV le type de poste que tu recherches !


Nous ne recherchons pas de diplômes mais des personnes engagées, souhaitant défendre avec nous nos valeurs d'une alimentation locale et raisonnée !