Translation of mediation toolkits for librarians in 5 European languages - Paris

💡 SSE organization
Localisation Paris, France
Full remote
From 1 yrs of exp.
Posted on 03-14-2025
End : May 2024

Bibliothèques Sans Frontières

En France et à l'international, l'ONG Bibliothèques Sans Frontières facilite l'accès de toutes et tous à la culture, à l'éducation et à l'information.

💡 SSE organization

This structure is based on a principle of solidarity and social utility: its management is democratic and participative, and its profit-making potential is limited. It may be an association, cooperative, foundation, mutual or ESUS company.

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  • Website
  • Nonprofit organization
  • Between 50 and 250 employees
  • Associations
Impact study
Bibliothèques Sans Frontières did not yet communicate its impact measurement.
Labels and certifications
This structure did not communicate to us the labels or certifications that it was able to obtain.
Internal practices and policies
Did not yet add a transparency document.
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This procedure is a call for tender : offers that are not complete will be automatically disqualified. Please download the terms of reference of the mission below and follow the application instructions.

Who we are : Founded in 2007, Bibliothèques Sans Frontières (BSF) is an NGO that empowers vulnerable populations by promoting access to culture, education, and information. BSF implements inclusive and innovative projects in over 20 countries, enabling people affected by crisis and insecurity to rebuild their lives. Thanks to its innovative tools, content library tailored for each project, and mediation expertise, BSF and its partners tackle the major challenges of the 21st century, such as education, culture, citizenship, community building, psychosocial support, health, employment and entrepreneurship.

Objective of this consultancy : The objective of this mission is to translate the toolkits and booklets LiBri is currently creating on that thematic “How European librarians can participate in the integration of people experiencing migration in their local communities?” The pedagogical objective of those documents is to disseminate best practices and accessible and playful activities enabling European librarians to work on their techniques and postures for welcoming people experiencing migration. The tools are currently being developed by a team of pedagogical engineers under the coordination of the Libri Project Coordinator.

Language of the deliverables: The tools content will be provided in English with a glossary of words that require specific attention. The objective of this mission is to translate them into the 5 other languages of the project: French, Latvian, Polish, Romanian and Italian.

Target audience: European librarians will be the first beneficiaries of the toolkits and booklets. However, people with a migration backround as well as local communities’ members are the final beneficiaries of the activities they contain. Activities will focus on different profiles of TCNs – from young children to elderly people.

Deliverables: The consulting team are tasked with translating the following tools in 5 languages:

  1. 4 pedagogical booklets and their tooklits : 36 600 words.
  2. IFLA Guidelines : 2000 words.


How to apply ? :

Please download the Term of references on the Coordination Sud page below to get a complete description of the mission.

Send your Resumes to the contact below (with at least 2 references for each), your technical & financial offers.

This procedure is a call for tender : offers that are not complete will be automatically disqualified.

Send your offers to the email in the TOR

Application Deadline : March 24th.

Interviews: Week of March 24th


We are looking for a team of translators or a translation agency who is able to handle & coordinate the translations from English to all of the other project languages: Latvian, Italian, Romanian,Polish, French.

Each member of the translating team must meet these criteria:

• Proven professional experience as a translator, interpreter, or in a similar role

• Excellent proofreading skills with the ability to identify grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors

• Good knowledge of editing tools

• Familiarity with translation software

Library Bridges: Promoting the integration and inclusion of third country nationals in Europe through libraries and local partnerships

• Time management skills

• Additional certification in linguistics is an advantage

• Knowledge of the public library sectors, the project countries & the immigration topics would be a great advantage.

Selection criteria will be:

• Profile of the translators & complementarity of the team & Methodology proposed – 30 points

• Chronogram, detailed action plan, sampling of activities according to expected

deliverables - 30 points

• Adequacy of the financial offer to the available budget - 20 points