Entrepreneurship in the territories: is it the right time?

Depuis 10 ans nous luttons contre la surconsommation informatique tout en créant du lien social et des emplois en reconditionnant, en France, du matériel informatique sous un statut d'ESS.
Responsible products or services
The company's mission is to design eco-responsible products and services aligned with the needs of the ecological transformation.
Dans une ambiance de travail dynamique et conviviale, tu seras le contact privilégié de nos clients finaux (particuliers) et devras effectuer le service client de nos diverses marketplaces et notre site internet :
Si tu te reconnais dans ce profil et que le poste te plait, n’hésite plus et contacte-nous !
Discover all the resources to inspire and guide you in the world of positive impact. Testimonials, analyses, job descriptions and skills of tomorrow, everything you always wanted to know without daring to ask.
You no longer thrive in your work, and you plan to change profession to find more meaning in your professional life? Discover the resources to help you think about a retraining project and find your way.