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with purpose

🎓 Training and orientation

Featured trainings

+ than 70 trainings and purpose-driven skills assessments to help you finding sense and succeed in your professionnal transition.

🎯 Companies Currently Hiring

La Conciergerie Solidaire

La Conciergerie Solidaire est une SAS, agrée ESUS et Entreprise d'insertion. Elle propose des services de conciergerie locaux et solidaires dans les entreprises, Tiers Lieux et Quartiers.

  • Paris
  • Company
  • 50-250

L'Ecole des pôles

Actions de sensibilisation à la transition climatique en donnant les clés de compréhension et solutions via le prisme des régions polaires.

  • Paris
  • Nonprofit organization
  • 0-15


Depuis 30 ans, l’Afev crée du lien entre campus et quartiers en créant des programmes de solidarité où des milliers d’étudiant·es s’engagent auprès des jeunes.

  • Paris
  • Nonprofit organization
  • 250-2000

Réseau de l'assainissement écologique

Le Réseau de l’Assainissement Écologique s'inscrit dans un enjeu global de respect des cycles naturels des matières (l’eau, la fertilité des sols) et intervient comme acteur de solutions écologiques.

  • Marseille
  • Nonprofit organization
  • 0-15

La collecterie

La Collecterie est une ressourcerie montreuilloise créée en 2012 qui collecte les objets destinés à être jetés, les trie, les répare, les transforme pour leur donner une nouvelle vie.

  • Montreuil
  • Nonprofit organization
  • 15-50


La vocation d'ALTYN, au travers de ses 7 filiales, est de concevoir, construire, réhabiliter et exploiter les bâtiments, les équipements et les réseaux de manière durable.

  • Nantes
  • Company
  • 250-2000

Fondation Apprentis d'Auteuil

Apprentis d'Auteuil soutient les jeunes en difficulté à travers des programmes d’accueil, d’éducation, de formation et d’insertion pour leur permettre de devenir des hommes et des femmes debout.

  • Paris
  • Foundation
  • 2000-up

IÉSEG School of Management

L’IÉSEG prépare les acteurs du changement qui contribueront au développement d’entreprises et organisations responsables, innovantes et humanistes dans un contexte international.

  • Lille
  • Nonprofit organization
  • 250-2000


ESCOFI est un acteur de référence dans le développement et l’exploitation des énergies renouvelables en France, principalement dans l’éolien et le photovoltaïque.

  • Villeneuve-d'Ascq
  • Company
  • 50-250

ABO Energy

ABO Energy développe, construit et exploite des parcs éoliens et solaires ainsi que des projets de batteries et d'hydrogène dans le monde entier.

  • Toulouse
  • Company
  • 50-250

Find the organization that matches your values from a selection of companies, NGOs, and social enterprises

Featured articles

Discover all the resources to inspire and guide you in the world of positive impact. Testimonials, analyses, job descriptions and skills of tomorrow, everything you always wanted to know without daring to ask.

Entrepreneurship in the territories: is it the right time?

The health crisis has given rise to many desires to reconnect with nature. To go beyond the fantasies of life in the countryside, Yannick Rasoava presents us with the issues of entrepreneurship in semi-rural areas and the challenges of these territories.

A job that makes sense... But what sense?

You are sure: you want to do a meaningful job. OK, but what does the meaning mean? The good news is that there is no answer to this question. On the other hand, we give you tips to avoid having a panic attack every time we ask you the question.

"Thinking the ecological and social transition in a systemic way" with Thomas Merzlic (T-Campus)

From the tire to the eco-place, discover the journey of Thomas Merzlic, who presents the T-Campus immersion program.

[Interview] Côme, co-founder of La Joist - training in energy renovation

With 600,000 additional people to be trained by 2050, the building energy renovation sector is on the rise! Discover the challenges and possible training for this sector of the future!

Hélène de Vestele (Edeni): "Ikigai is a useful tool for introspection"

Far from being a fixed tool, the Ikigai can evolve over time. Edeni integrates this tool in the introduction of 2 of its programs. Hélène, its founder, tells us more.

Am I legitimate to work in the impact sector?

Ah, the impostor syndrome... We could make novels out of it! If you feel illegitimate in your thinking to work on the impact, this little exercise is for you! #positivereinforcement

The professional retraining guide

You no longer thrive in your work, and you plan to change profession to find more meaning in your professional life? Discover the resources to help you think about a retraining project and find your way.

Guide for a purpose-driven career change

There is no magic recipe for a successful professional retraining, but there are tools to prepare it well! Noëmie Martin-Pascual, founder of Bloom'r and Ways to shift, presents 16 key stages in this journey.

The 32 professions that are recruiting for retraining with impact

Do you think the impact sector is totally clogged? What no! We have prepared a short guide to jobs that are recruiting in 2022 to get you involved in a cause that is close to your heart.

Seeking IKIGAI

Have you always dreamed of getting paid to do what you love? But are you really good at it, and is it really what the world needs? If you can answer yes to all of these questions, congratulations! You have found your Ikigai. If not, read this article urgently!

The MBTI personality test - Get to know yourself better to be yourself

Have you always been a fan of summer psychotests? If you have a maximum of 💚... Then this article is for you. Discover the MBTI test to identify your personality traits and find out what type of job is right for you!

How to finance your vocational training

Sophie Carretero, professional development consultant at APEC, presents the various aids for professional retraining. CPF, PTP, ... These terms will no longer hold any secrets for you!

[Testimonials] Their professional retraining has made them happier

Need inspiration? Discover 3 career paths that will make you want to take action.

Our mission

We believe that choosing a job with a positive impact is a way of taking concrete action for the ecological and social transition.

We want to give everyone the chance to find a meaningful job.

We bring together all those who want to put their professional lives at the service of an inclusive and sustainable society: passionate entrepreneurs, committed players in the social economy, training organizations for the professions of tomorrow and talented candidates in search of meaning.

We want to support 10 million people towards a career with a positive impact.

jobs_that_makesense is the makesense's answer to the millions of French people who want to give meaning back to their professional lives.