1 an dans un jardin en permaculture d'un écovillage (Corps Européen de Solidarité) - Suède

💡 Structure de l’ESS
Service civique / VSI
Localisation Suède
Pas de télétravail autorisé
Publiée le 24/10/2022
Début : avril 2023
> Fin : février 2024

RELEARN Suderbyn

Build an alternative lifestyle, spread ecological awareness, teach permaculture and natural building

💡 Structure de l’ESS

Cette structure repose sur un principe de solidarité et d’utilité sociale : son mode de gestion est démocratique et participatif, et sa lucrativité est limitée. Il s’agit d’une association, coopérative, fondation, mutuelle ou entreprise ESUS.

Plus d'informations
Mesure d'impact
RELEARN Suderbyn n'a pas encore transmis de mesure d'impact
Labels et certifications
Cette structure n'a pas souhaité nous communiquer les labels ou certifications qu'elle a pu obtenir.
Voir plus

Green Skills is a paid education and volunteering program that allows participants to experience the sustainable way of living, as practiced in Suderbyn Permaculture Ecovillage.

To learn more about it and apply : http://www.suderbyn.se/greenskills.html

This 11 months volunteering experience is funded by the European Solidarity Corps : https://youth.europa.eu/solidarity/faq_en


Direct link to the application form : https://forms.gle/qUpe55cndXMjWHDd9

As a member of the Suderbyn garden team, you will join the daily work in the garden. Working in the garden domain consists of a diverse range of physical and mental tasks, from sowing, transplanting, caring for plants, harvesting, preparing beds, and making compost, to tasks such as planning, organizing weekly workloads, managing volunteers and giving harvest tours to community members (and many more missions!).

You will first receive guidance and instructions from the garden team, and get a proper introduction into the domain, and then become more independent and get more space for initiative and managing your own projects. You will be working with a team, with already existing methods, structures and ways of doing and it is central that you are willing to work with these existing parameters from the beginning, so that we can work together effectively and provide a positive learning environment.

Profil recherché

You are between 18 and 30 years old, and not have already done a long-term European Solidarity Corps program.

You are a citizen of a country within the European Union or Schengen.

You are interested in gardening, permaculture, sustainable food production and agroecology, and you enjoy being outside and working with Nature. You are strongly motivated to learn and contribute to our garden and to get your hands dirty. Note that motivation and dedication are the most important, prior knowledge and experience can be useful but are not a central criteria for us. You like to work with other people, and are willing to lead new volunteers through tasks by explaining the “what” and the “why” of each task. You are responsible, reliable and open for feedback.